Which Plow?

   / Which Plow? #1  


Oct 30, 2009
Hey Guys,
I have a 2004 Kubota M4900 (50HP). First time putting a garden out this winter (Florida) and would like to know what I need to prepare the soil. The garden will be about 50'x50' so do I need a tiller, bottom plow ??? There has never been a garden in this area and the soil is typical for north central Florida, (loose sandy). Also, any other attachments that you may think I'll need.
Any and all suggestions are welcome.

   / Which Plow? #2  
In an area that small, a tiller would be the only way to go.
   / Which Plow?
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There has never been a garden there before but the ground is not packed at all. I can dig 10" with a spade with no problem. How much do tillers run generally?
   / Which Plow? #6  
That is such a small area to work you may want to ask around and pay someone to till it for you. Then if you find you like gardening for sure then buy your own tiller if you see fit. You may be able to rent a tiller for a few hours too, just a thought.

I think in an area this small a tiller is the best tool but I could also get good results with a variety of other tools, such as multiple passes with a field cultivator, single turning plow, middle buster, boxblade with scarifiers set deep. Alot depends on what you are willing to spend and how much hand labor you are willing to consider.

   / Which Plow? #7  
OcalaPat we are almost neighbors,I live about 40 miles south of slowcala[Ocala]. I have two large,100 hp ag tractors and all the equipment for the farm. For my small (60x60) backyard garden I get my neighbor to come over with his 20 plus hp CUT and tiller. Payback is some fresh vegs, has worked good this way for years. The big garden about an 11/2 acres I use the plow, disc and cultivator. scrapironford
   / Which Plow?
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scrapironford, that actually sounds like what I wanted to do. Problem is, as you probably already know, this is NOT a big farming community. I actually live north of Ocala in Anthony. Now if I wanted to know something about horses, I've got the neighbors for that. Aside from Waldon farms (peanuts) down the road from us, this is horse country and with all this beauriful land I haven't seen many, if any, gardens around me.

I do own (inheareted) a nice box blade but have no idea how to use it to create a garden plot. I understand that I have to lower the scrapers all the way down which will break the ground up pretty good, but what do I do then to get the plot ready to plant?

As you can see, I'm not much of a farmer, but willing to listen work and learn.
   / Which Plow? #9  
With loose sandy soil you can till with a weighted disk. Just make several trips around the garden area. It may not be square but a round garden would be unique.
   / Which Plow? #10  
I'd suggest finding a rototiller to rent. I believe it will leave your garden ground ready to plant with no further need to do anything.
If not rentable, then search for hiring someone to do it. Landscaping firms should have the equipment. Good luck.

Here is one a couple weeks ago in Ocala

Look for 5' tiller