Why is half of my screen gone?

   / Why is half of my screen gone?
  • Thread Starter
Mine seems to be fixed and I'm back to a full screen. Same for the double post thing and that seems to be fixed as well. Pretty soon I'm not going to have anything to complain about.
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   / Why is half of my screen gone? #12  
I had this problem few months ago then it disappeared. It resurfaced 2-3 weeks ago. I can usually get full screen back with a refresh, sometimes take 2-3 tries. This is happens only on this website.
   / Why is half of my screen gone? #14  
I had this problem few months ago then it disappeared. It resurfaced 2-3 weeks ago. I can usually get full screen back with a refresh, sometimes take 2-3 tries. This is happens only on this website.
Same way for me. Here lately its been a real pain.
   / Why is half of my screen gone? #15  
It seems to be only for IE browsers, even in Compatibility Mode. I tested using Chrome, and never had it happen.
   / Why is half of my screen gone? #16  
Hit Control and F5 at the same time to force a full refresh. This is caused by a file that is stuck and needs to be reloaded from the server.

Aaron Z

Same problem with half screen here. Tried the Ctrl and F5. All that does is knock me back to my Home page then I have to come back to here and get the same half page screen again.

There is also a problem on the main forums page that overlaps the very bottom of the page with the top few choices of the forums. Some times refreshing does fix it but its a constantly recurring problem and getting very tiresome.

I don't have any similar problems with any other site I go to so that leads me to believe its with this site and not my computer or any programs in my computer.
   / Why is half of my screen gone? #18  
Any thing happening with this problem? It seems to be getting worse for me lately.
   / Why is half of my screen gone? #19  
Any thing happening with this problem? It seems to be getting worse for me lately.

What browser do you use? I have no issues with win 10 and Firefox.
   / Why is half of my screen gone? #20  
SO now I have to go and do what to get one and only one web site to work for me? Get a different browser?, Buy a new computer?

Sorry that does not seem right to me when there are hundreds of other sited I can go to that work fine with outdated factory installed systems. I tested 50 forums today alone and this is the only one that gave me any problems!

I would rather find an other forum to go to than try to figure out how to make changes to my computer. It seems every single time I have tried that I ended up with more problems than it was worth and I wont buy a new computer just to be updated so I will just visit less and less until I get more comfortable someplace else and then stop coming at all.

People wonder why I don't want a computer in my tractor or truck?

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