Why some people are too stupid to own a car

   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #162  
getting rid of mine and going back to a cheap flip phone.
Yea, he would like to but he would have to change companies and most cell service is very spotty on parts of his route. The company he's with has the best signal in the area. I'm not sure what towers they use or anything about the company, Illinois Valley Cellular.
   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #163  
getting rid of mine and going back to a cheap flip phone.
I read that going back to flip phones is part of an emerging trend by people that have had enough of smart phones.
   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #164  
I read that going back to flip phones is part of an emerging trend by people that have had enough of smart phones.
I read the same article.
   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #165  
I just put an engine in a Supra. Man's niece bought it in 86, I think. I remember her getting it. I was in high school then, she was a year older. But they drove it 60k, never raised the hood. Rod popped out the block. Bought one of them engines from Japan. Inline six. Car had been sitting for decades. Started right up, going good ever since.
   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #166  
I'm surprised there hasn't been more of an outcry on the increasing complexity of autos. I thought technology was supposed to make our lives easier. :rolleyes:
Or maybe most buyers are younger people who are used to non-intuitive tech gadgets.
Actually, I read recently that young people are also frustrated with the lack of intuitive features. They understand it's a bit of a safety hazard.
   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #167  
I read that going back to flip phones is part of an emerging trend by people that have had enough of smart phones.
I wonder if they will work any better though. I got my first cell phone in 1996. It's really frustrating that I often can't make calls from where I used to be able to 27 years ago... including in my own back yard.
   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #168  
My bicycle ride took me 11 miles down Route 66 to Albuquerque then I would reverse and ride back home. About 6 miles into my ride, I passed a man that had pulled off I-40 onto the off ramp with a flat tire. I notice it because it was the exact same model and color Dodge minivan my mother-in-law owned. Well, I returned from ABQ about :30 min later and the guy was still trying to figure out how to get the spare from under the rear of the van. I stopped to ask if he needed help. "I don't know how to get the spare tire from under the car" says he. "Where is your owner's manual?" Says I. I knew how to get it our because I had read my MIL's manual but, I wasn't going to tell him. He found it and tried to hand it to me. "Look up how to change a flat tire." Says I. When he went to the rear of the van and lifted the hatchback, I got on my bike and left. You think he will read any more of the manual?
   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #169  
I cuss technology all the time. My 81 year old father is being forced into a smartphone by his company now. He's not happy about it.
Wow at 81 you would think he could retire and skip the smartphone.
   / Why some people are too stupid to own a car #170  
My bicycle ride took me 11 miles down Route 66 to Albuquerque then I would reverse and ride back home. About 6 miles into my ride, I passed a man that had pulled off I-40 onto the off ramp with a flat tire. I notice it because it was the exact same model and color Dodge minivan my mother-in-law owned. Well, I returned from ABQ about :30 min later and the guy was still trying to figure out how to get the spare from under the rear of the van. I stopped to ask if he needed help. "I don't know how to get the spare tire from under the car" says he. "Where is your owner's manual?" Says I. I knew how to get it our because I had read my MIL's manual but, I wasn't going to tell him. He found it and tried to hand it to me. "Look up how to change a flat tire." Says I. When he went to the rear of the van and lifted the hatchback, I got on my bike and left. You think he will read any more of the manual?
Last year I tried to remove the spare from my company Silverado. (2018) Luckily I didn't have a flat because I couldn't do it. I finally gave up and when I got home took a hacksaw to the cable. It turns out that the plastic tube which is supposed to guide the tool so that you crank it down had broken loose. There is no way I could have gotten the tire down without cutting something.