Wife said what?!?!

   / Wife said what?!?! #51  
Seems to me, if you get real sick you are better off with either great insurance or no insurance?

2 buddies I play bluegrass with have just had major operations, cancer and heart work. Both in their early 60s.

Neither had insurance but both got new F150s, leased.

I couldn't believe it but they came right out and said it....if you pay about $10 a month there's nothing they can do to you.

There are a lot of folks in that boat with the same philosophy.

Socialized medicine? While training in Italy in the imaging business I learned, if your condition is not an emergency, you wait 6 months for a mri scan.

That is, Unless you can afford to go to one of the many private, all cash clinics. Rich folks always seem to come up with a work around?

I was about to say the same. If you can't afford health insurance they have to treat you. Just pay the bare minimum so they can't come after you.
   / Wife said what?!?! #52  
Yes I do when she is not here-I am totally independent as she is. I think she just doesnt realize the value a tractor has or is because she doesnt use it :) I told her the hot tub in our back yard just wouldn't be there if it wasnt for the tractor along with the many other projects that were done. She is coming around now :)

My wife had a similar attitude. Not toward selling the tractor, but against me getting a snow blower for it. She didn't want to add to our debt when we're trying to pay things off, which I understand. However, she's never the one to help move snow. (She has multiple ruptured discs in her back and neck, has had 1 surgery that didn't last long, and used the throw her back out at the drop of a hat so I never ask or expect her to help.) The issue I have is we have 4 kids and all of them were inside playing games/watching videos for the *hours* I was out digging through 40+ inches the week before Christmas, and we only have a 100ft driveway. Then I went across the road to help the single mom after they borrowed one of our shovels. Then she asked me to help her friend a mile down the road. Plus I did a 150-ish ft driveway for a mutual friend, 20ft section for another friend, and moved the pickup truck plow piles for her mom/step dad so they could use both garage doors (driver made enough from for 1 vehicle). So I spent 8 hours plowing and using a bucket one day, and at least an hour a day for the next 4 days. All while she was in the warm comfort of the house. She finally agreed that the 0% for 48 months and $76/mo bill wouldn't break us, and would make my life a lot easier. Plus the blower was simple enough for her and one of our daughters to figure out that they could now help. It took a few days though.

As for tracking finances, if you don't already use it checkout www.mint.com. I've been using it for years. It can link up to bank accounts, credit cards, loans, etc. It graphs out expenses by category, vendor, date, etc. It can create and track budgets, set savings goals, and a few other tricks. All for free, and owned my Intuit (TurboTax) so reasonably trusted. Read-only access to all your accounts so even if someone hacked it or you shared access, they wouldn't be able to transfer or withdraw money, or max out credit cards.
   / Wife said what?!?! #53  
I was about to say the same. If you can't afford health insurance they have to treat you. Just pay the bare minimum so they can't come after you.

If the hospital so chooses, they can report the bad debt to the credit rating agencies. Then, if these guys try to get a new truck lease, it may not be so simple.

Hospitals have discretion on reporting, many make the decision based on whether they believe you really can’t pay or are gaming the system.

Rarely is there a free lunch.

   / Wife said what?!?! #54  
My wife had a similar attitude. Not toward selling the tractor, but against me getting a snow blower for it. She didn't want to add to our debt when we're trying to pay things off, which I understand. However, she's never the one to help move snow. (She has multiple ruptured discs in her back and neck, has had 1 surgery that didn't last long, and used the throw her back out at the drop of a hat so I never ask or expect her to help.) The issue I have is we have 4 kids and all of them were inside playing games/watching videos for the *hours* I was out digging through 40+ inches the week before Christmas, and we only have a 100ft driveway. Then I went across the road to help the single mom after they borrowed one of our shovels. Then she asked me to help her friend a mile down the road. Plus I did a 150-ish ft driveway for a mutual friend, 20ft section for another friend, and moved the pickup truck plow piles for her mom/step dad so they could use both garage doors (driver made enough from for 1 vehicle). So I spent 8 hours plowing and using a bucket one day, and at least an hour a day for the next 4 days. All while she was in the warm comfort of the house. She finally agreed that the 0% for 48 months and $76/mo bill wouldn't break us, and would make my life a lot easier. Plus the blower was simple enough for her and one of our daughters to figure out that they could now help. It took a few days though.

As for tracking finances, if you don't already use it checkout www.mint.com. I've been using it for years. It can link up to bank accounts, credit cards, loans, etc. It graphs out expenses by category, vendor, date, etc. It can create and track budgets, set savings goals, and a few other tricks. All for free, and owned my Intuit (TurboTax) so reasonably trusted. Read-only access to all your accounts so even if someone hacked it or you shared access, they wouldn't be able to transfer or withdraw money, or max out credit cards.

Not to rub dirt in a wound here, but if you have 4 kids, they should be outside helping, unless they are like 2 (my 3 year old shovels snow, sometimes faster then my wife). shoveling doesn't hurt children
   / Wife said what?!?! #55  
Not to rub dirt in a wound here, but if you have 4 kids, they should be outside helping, unless they are like 2 (my 3 year old shovels snow, sometimes faster then my wife). shoveling doesn't hurt children
I have 2 boys and since middle school days, they have dedicated winter chores to clear up snow. They alternate these duties so its fair for all. I use the tractor for the heavier stuff :)
   / Wife said what?!?! #56  
Not to rub dirt in a wound here, but if you have 4 kids, they should be outside helping, unless they are like 2 (my 3 year old shovels snow, sometimes faster then my wife). shoveling doesn't hurt children

The 22 and 19 yr olds aren't mine so they tend to not listen to me, but that was also a point I made where my wife doesn't get them to help either. She could either send them out to help, or I get the blower and just do it myself without the BS. The most frustrating part is the 22 has her own car and a job she needed to go to later in the week so you KNOW she understood the driveway had to be open and her car dug out to get to work. I left her car buried so she'd at least have to do that much. :rolleyes: The daughter that tried out the blower (and tried using the loader mounted plow before that) is the only one with any sort of situational awareness. It's been a constant point of contention between my wife and I, and frankly I'm just tired of asking for help with things that should be obvious.
   / Wife said what?!?! #57  
The 22 and 19 yr olds aren't mine so they tend to not listen to me, but that was also a point I made where my wife doesn't get them to help either. She could either send them out to help, or I get the blower and just do it myself without the BS. The most frustrating part is the 22 has her own car and a job she needed to go to later in the week so you KNOW she understood the driveway had to be open and her car dug out to get to work. I left her car buried so she'd at least have to do that much. :rolleyes: The daughter that tried out the blower (and tried using the loader mounted plow before that) is the only one with any sort of situational awareness. It's been a constant point of contention between my wife and I, and frankly I'm just tired of asking for help with things that should be obvious.
I understand, I feel that myself with my wife. Independent thinking seems to be a lost art for her.
   / Wife said what?!?! #58  
can make money with the massey.
hard to trailer wife around and make money.
Would that be a single axle or tandem axle trailer? :eek:
   / Wife said what?!?! #59  
I am still unsure where those “list” prices come from - or what they really mean?
I worked in the billing dept and managed the insurance contracts at a cardiology office years ago. The "list" price is determined this way if Medicare pays X multiple by 3 (some places will go upto 5x). This happens because the insurance will only pay up to the amount the provider asks for so we have to over shoot it (when they should just pay the contract amount).

So for a procedure we charge $500.
Medicare allows payment of $100
Insurance A pays $80
Insurance B pays $200

If we only asked for $100 we would be paid
Medicare allows payment of $100
Insurance A pays $80
Insurance B pays $100

I'm glad I got out of billing.
   / Wife said what?!?!
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