Wood chipper to make wood shavings

   / Wood chipper to make wood shavings #1  


May 10, 2013
JD 5065e
Hi all,

This may be a daft question, but I am wondering if it is possible to make wood "shavings" instead of chips with a wood chipper. I have read some stuff that indicates that it is possible with a wood chipper, but before I spend money on a PTO chipper for my tractor and rush into a possible business opportunity, I am trying to find out as much as I can.

This is what I am talking about: (They are not as fine as wood chips)

   / Wood chipper to make wood shavings #2  
If you are using a "run of the mill" wood chipper I doubt it. The two chippers I own make small chunks.
   / Wood chipper to make wood shavings #3  
The first and foremost thing that jumps out at me is the grain direction. That looks like they ran something down the side of a piece of wood lengthwise. Sounds like a totally different process to me unless you modify one but even then...
   / Wood chipper to make wood shavings #4  
Shavings come from a planing mill. Chips come from a chipper.
   / Wood chipper to make wood shavings
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Darn, I was afraid to hear this, but kept hoping otherwise.
   / Wood chipper to make wood shavings #6  
A good sharp woodworker's hand plane will get you as many of those shavings as you want, and you can build up your biceps and forearms at the same time. ;)

Sorry to be a smarta$$, but I don't know of any machine that would do what you want. Plus, those shavings in your photo look like mahogany. Those would be some pretty expensive shavings.
   / Wood chipper to make wood shavings
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Haha :D I am not concerned about the colour/wood. That was just the nicest photo from google images. Back to the drawing board of business ideas for me.
   / Wood chipper to make wood shavings #8  
I tried running some pine through my planer to make shavings for the dog. No way that's fast enough. If your doing it for horses be careful what kind of wood you use. Some like walnut are bad for horses to be around.