
Veteran Member
Mar 1, 2005
western maine
bx-23 ,
Ive been brow beating myself to try to come up with a solution ,or suggestion for a problem at work ive been asked to solve.Ive hemmed and hawed about asking here,rather than try to solve myself,but im out of ideas.Let me give you a little background:
We have a 7 man crew in the production facility i work at.Over the years our company has grown fast,making our mill pick up the pace and become more efficient. The crew worked saturdays half day during busier months,when i first started,no one really enjoyed this,we all would rather have two days off.So a few years ago I had the crew work 1 hour extra[10 hour days]all year long,so we could have our weekends with our familys.
We grew and grew.Soon we were getting behind again.The owner and my supervisor approached me[kind of quality control,and lead person]to once again make the guys work all day on saturdays too.I knew it was coming ,and had previously talked to the guys about if it happened asked to work a couple longer days a week to keep our saturdays for our self. This was to be a temporary thing ,making our already crueling 10 hour day[very physical work]to 3 -13 hour days and two 10s.He agreed and away we went.First few weeks ok,then the crew started getting moody.Even myself,finding myself physically exhausted at the end of the day,and dead on my feet at weeks end.Ididnt enjoy the fact,never seeing my kids 3 days per week,eating cold suppers ,at 8.00 at night.or just being gone from 4.30 in the morning and arriving home at 8.00.All the guys let me know of these issues with ,them,but i never let on that i was experienceing the same issues.
About 4 weeks in two of my most experienced co workers bowed out-refused to do it.Iscrambled to get volunteers from other departments.Ididnt want any one clamping down on these two,we couldnt afford to lose them.
Then the ball dropped.The owner said we had to work weekends too.The whole crew got sour.Myself being diagnosed with carputunnel ,and having worked since may with no feeling in my right fingers,was trying to get through to my surgery,without having to leave my job,for an easier one.The extra hours and the physical part was taking its toll.Even my left hand trying to do more to relax the left was tiring.Well the whole thing went to pot ,and weve gone back to 50 per week,and the OWNER IS SCREECHING.Weve heard every comment under the sun,to humilating" ill hire a whole new crew" "i CANT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU GUYS WOULDNY WANT ALL THAT OT" Weve recieved leaflets how others have gone out of business.etc etc.
2 of our 7 have gone out with back injurys,myself im having surgery on the 30th coming back on 31st one handed.Last week one of our best machine operators gave his notice.The owner immediately notifyed me not to make him work any more hours than he wanted,He sent personel to me an asked me to come up with a plan to divide the crew into two shifts.
Heres what we got .MYSELF im capable of all jobs,and repairing and troubleshooting ets
EMPLOYEE 1- ive trained him 5 years,fair to good at machine work,cant solve advanced problems,refuses certain tasks,does not like to job swap
Employee 2- Pretty much same boat,not as experienced on machine,has bad temper,i seem to be only one in company whom can keep him calm
EMPLOYEE 3 ROOKIE IM teaching has several months more training to be worth any thing basic production skills,eager to learn
EMPLOYEE 5 our 'supervisor' MISSES several weeks at a time calls in sick often,makes excuses not to be there Has almost the skills i do,but complains of health issues,so doesnt have to do them.Is out now for how long with injury.He gets paid even when hes there for while i run his crew:mad:
Employee6 out forever with permant injury.
SO what the .... do i do ? employee 1 and 2 [our best] refuse ot now,threaten to leave if forced.I believe them neither have skills good enough to fix anything ,nor have desire to do so.if im not there they stand and wait for me to return.
employees 3 and 4 unskilled and fit in the general rookie laborer pool
employees 5 and 6 mind as well not even be there.
So how do i split us up for two shifts,without skilled help? The owner will give me rookies to help,but what help could they be?The machine we are talking about takes years to learn,myself with 25 years experience cant be every where.My own job requires a licence in which only employee 2 and 5 have and neither want to do my job,because it is so physical and mentally challanging[wimps:D ]
Hours can only range from 5 am to 7 pm monday through saturday.employee 2 and 3 refuse saturday.they refuse after 4.30 ,because they cant see their spouse , too! Iwas thinking a 4 day on ,four day off thing,cant figure it out.cant seem to hit everybodys sweet spot.What about when someone is sick ,or we all have 2 to 4 weeks vacation.
Idont think it can be done with what i got.
I dont know why im asked to solve this ,it should be up to personel,or my supervisor[ha ha ha ha ha yeah right]
Ive been offered employment in a factory coming on line soon,thinking about jumping ship;)
Sounds like a rock and a hard place you betwix.

Maybe staff numbers have to grow to accomadate the business at hand.
What are the laws governing employment and overtime there? I guess that would be the first place to start looking. I would think the only real answer would be hire or transfer a few additional people to run the equipment. Especially with a variety of individuals going out for medical issues.

How about getting someone well versed in workplace ergonomics involved to see if there are any methods that can be employed to help cut down the health issues this is causing (i.e. back pain, etc). Repetitive stress is nothing to play around with. I would think if the employer refuses to at least look into measures of that nature, I would jump ship at the next available opportunity.

Does your "supervisor" make more than you? If so, I would be pressing to get the added wages while you're covering for him. Either that or his supervisor should be covering his job, at least to the extent of scheduling while the alleged supervisor is absent.

You could always set it up so everybody does a week on the early shift, and a week on the late shift rotating through. Clearly the two licensed people have to be on seperate shifts, since they're the only two who can do whatever it is you're licensed to do. The others I would have to say, one experienced guy and one green guy on whatever shift they work out better on. The green guy you're breaking in should probably stick on whatever shift you are on. It's about the only real way to distribute things somewhat fairly. I'm not sure how it is in Maine, but if that were in MI the best choice would be to just pick something like that and suck it up, because there aren't a whole lot of jobs around. If jobs are plentiful, just implement the rotating shift anyhow and those who don't like it can leave and be replaced. Such are the realities of work, one cannot always have everything his or her way.
You need more people and another lead man for the second shift, especially if a particular skillset is required. Without a goto guy on the second shift, a second shift won't be productive. Weekly turnovers is real hard on a crew. Any rotation should be at least on a 2 week basis. If worked right, you could almost give a 3 day weekend at rotation time. OT is great to meet a surge demand, but if an employer is willing to pay it on a regular basis, something is wrong!

I was always taught to bring solutions not problems up the chain. In this case, I would suggest you bring in a plan to the boss(not your super) but to the boss/general manager/owner. It won't be a complete plan as it needs a second shift lead man. Then it becomes a matter of not having the resources to accomplish this plan. You have to make it perfectly clear that green bodies and people who are not consistent performers will not be able to do some of these jobs. If you lay out your resource issues like you just did to us and make them understand what the impact of denial might be, loosing the good workers that you currently have and even poorer production will result, perhaps they will listen. If they want to increase production and expand, and particularly retain people of value and experience, they won't work them into the ground. All the pay in the world can't make up for time away from family(I know this very well) and that appears to be what you are experiencing now.

As for the workers that are valuable but refuseing, ask how they would meet the needs. Perhaps they have some good ideas. Unfortunatly if you come up with a plan, you may have to be a little rough on them. If they can't handle the shift plan, perhaps they should seek employment elsewhere. If it is an equitable plan, they will come around. It all comes down to manhours. Plan a 40 hour week followed by a 32 hour week and then a shift change(the 3 day weekend really helps with the schedule change).

Unfortunatly, these are the type issues that make heroes, villians and the unemployed, so plan accordingly. It is also hard to impliment them without the power base to do so. It almost sounds as if you are a middle super being asked to solve this problem when you may not have the authority/control to make any plan work. That might be the biggest source of your frustration. IF you are wrenching and operating gear in the trenches, it surely sounds like you are not getting paid enough to solve this problem. If you have injuries from the work, perhaps they should put you in a position to oversee and solve the problem.

Good Luck
You are definitely in a tough position. You are being asked to do more than can be done with the number of people you have. OT is an answer to a short term problem or emergency situation, not a common everyday occurance in the workplace.

I would do as Ron suggested and come up with a plan that you present to the top man in the organization, anyone below him will go to him and take credit for it themselves, or at least it sounds that way.

There's an old saying that as long as the donkey pulls the cart, you keep loading it. That is how I see it at your plant. All the things that Ron said about having a second person matching your skills and licenseing makes the most sense. You would also have to have the same number of skilled and semi skilled workers on this second shift. When you make the pitch for this new plan you must show where this will improve productivity and quality (because you won't have tired employees trying to do more with their minds not really on their jobs). It's hard to tell too much because we don't know all the pertinent data, but I hope you unserstand what I'm saying. When you make the pitch, it has to be beneficial to the company to consider it.
this may not be well taken by some folks, BUT your post say that this has been going on for years? seems to me you are all being taken advantage of in many ways, seems like the owner is holding your jobs over your head. our company did that for years then still finally moved to mexico AFTER THEY got concessions from us, worked us to death then still finally left us to suck hind t____t. i was one of the lucky ones that was old enough to retire and forget it,. My personal opinion would be to tell them to hire a new crew (as he threatend) don't think that will happen as the crew he has is not able to do all the work . Mabey i am a bit jaded but what the heck, at my age i am entiled!!!!
I agree with those above. It ain't gonna happen with the few people you have, especially with the quality of the people you have. I also agree with you that this should not be a problem dumped on you. You have a choice to make an unworkable split of personnel, or jump ship and let those who should be making the decision handle it.
  • Thread Starter
EGON; Company has grown 2 fold since ive been there.New stores ,double the salesman,outside crews etc.Twice the secretarily pools.Same amount of manufacturing crew[minus two who are hurt] same equipment,although we keep it in good shape.Technology is there to up grade to improve production ,and eliminate alot of physical work.Owner will quickly say "in the 70s we always ran the operation with 3 guys,now they cant get by with 5!!'
its even tough to train someone,when you got 5 guys to do 5 jobs ,and one of them is the trainee.
SANDMAN:I got the safety director on my butt all the time to get us to job swap.Dont have experienced people enough ,or willing to do so.He knows the only way is to get my boss to participate,and now relizes hes not gonna do that.Director is terrified of owner and has giving up i believe.Doesnt come by mill at all anymore.My opinion,just a hired bean counter,who trys to make excuses for you being hurt,so company not liable.ill leave it at that.
I dont know what he makes dont want to im sure if its more than farm wage its too much:D
two licenced people on each yes,i think myself and employee 1.wrote it down i agree employee 2 to stay with 1,temper tantrum or not.3 to stay with me as machine operator,ill just have to run back and forth.INJURYS AT WORK? Idont have an adequete plan to rotate now due to unskilled people,but i try.will be no job swapping with splitting .More injurys to follow from repetition im sure.Cant swap people if cant do work,hate to see someone lose a limb from running a machine being un skilled.
RON MAR:Employer is willing to pay any amount of ot,you can never work enough.employees now rebelling has the owner telling me[me why me?]to split up the crew.I know your trying to help on the hour thing,but im not getting it.SAY team A works monday thru thursday 10 hours,that only leaves 2 days for team b
OR team A works 3-10s has thursday off comes back for 10 on saturday
team be works thurs and fri thats 24 you see i cant figure it out:confused:
MOTEPOC-the old man will only be happy unless i come up with a plan to run two shifts,not hire any one but minum pay people,not po any of the guys,not increase any salarys[did i mention we had a company salary freeze this year]produce the product to meet demand ,and have no injurys.
Is it my imagination,but shouldnt company sales exceeding production be a good problem?
FRANK-yes for he couldnt find people to replace us ,for any where near the wages we get.I think if we strong armed him ,he would close the plant and buy his product.We do have good benefits,and bring home an ok [just ok]check,but we have to live there to do it.
Im really thinking of saying bye bye,when my hand heals up.
keep the ideas coming
"Employee 6 out forever with permant injury."
First, this employee must be replaced with a working employee.
Second, another employee must be hired and trained.
It costs the same amount to pay 5 employees 56 hours pay as it does to pay 7 employees 40 hours pay and the 7 would be happier and stay longer where they could learn their trade and be more useful in time to come.
Plus, with 7 employees if one is unable to work the others can work 1 hour and 20 minutes more a day to make up his work. With 5 employees if one is unable to work the other employees must work 2 hours more each day to make up his work. Show the facts and figures to your boss and tell him to start hiring.;)
Factoring in a 1 hour meal break, 8 hours of work:
Week 1, Team A Mon thru Fri 6AM-3PM, Team B Mon-Fri, 3PM-Midnight
Week 2, Team A Mon thru Fri 6AM-3PM, Team B Mon-Thur 3PM-Midnight
Swap shifts:
Week 3, Team B Mon thru Fri 6AM-3PM, Team A Mon-Fri, 3PM-Midnight
Week 4, Team B Mon thru Fri 6AM-3PM, Team A Mon-Thur 3PM-Midnight

The offgoing evening shift gets a 3 day weekend followed by 2 weeks of dayshift every two weeks. They of course have a full week and a short week of being a troll, but getting off at midnight means that they at least get some quiet hours to sleep before spouse or kids or significant other wakes up, and early afternoon to take care of personel business before comming to work. When shifting from days to nights, you get to sleep in on Monday so you kind of get a long weekend in that respect also. You might be suprised that some will really like the night shift.

This type schedule gets you two shifts per day, 16 working hours per day at the site on monday-Fri on one week and Mon-Thur the next with a single 8 on every other Friday. That is 80 hours of operation on one week and 72 hours of operation the next week. Try getting that with a single crew and overtime... This of course requires two complete teams with fully qualified team leaders so both shifts are productive, and enough fill bodies to cover leave and illness/injury. It also means that the job pays slightly less as each person has one short week every 3 weeks. so one or two days less pay per month. Paying slightly moor when on the night cycle might also be an incentive as this would even out the pay(same average per hour from month to month.

Tired minds and muscles make poor decisions and have poor control. Working more than an 8 hour shift in a physical job is folly. Ask the owners if they like paying workmans comp claims?