If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well...

   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #31  
Not really...the PB users used the service on their own initiative...They clicked the "I Agree" button to a TOS /UA they most likely never read...

Maybe not legally but morally.

If the users can’t get their photos back w/o paying its criminal in my mind.

   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #32  
Most IT techs that have been around the horn are familiar with Steve Gibson
That is an excellent site. Haven't used it in a while, but the "Shields up" portion is also very helpful to probe your own online vulnerabilities, such as other trying to poke past your router or firewall.
   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #33  
In some cases...the web site becomes the owner of pictures and other data once it's uploaded...
   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #34  
In some cases...the web site becomes the owner
Not only are posts made on this forum considered the property of the site, they are also sent out in mass email blasts as "chum" to stir interest and lure back dormant members.

Some of the emailed topics were mine-- so I guess that makes me a second-hand spammer. :LOL:
   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #35  
Not only are posts made on this forum considered the property of the site, they are also sent out in mass email blasts as "chum" to stir interest and lure back dormant members.

Some of the emailed topics were mine-- so I guess that makes me a second-hand spammer. :LOL:

The "zombies" are easy to spot...!
   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #36  
Sorry to hear it. Like @MossRoad and others, I have had pretty good success getting data off of "dead" drives, so don't give up hope just yet.

For the future, there are network attached storage devices to do local backups to, nd there ones like iosafe that the drive is both waterproof and fire resistant.

I backup to multiple devices, and test the backups. Another thing I would suggest is that a copy live somewhere else; a family member at a distance, a safe deposit box, etc. so if there is a fire or an earthquake or hurricane, you have some backup to go to.

All the best,

   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #37  
As I read this thread it brings back memories. I just finished backing up my company phone and computer to a cloud backup in hopes of saving cherished photos as I switch to a new company. Nothing confidential, just my photos and information.

But the memories I refer to.
I started with a Radio Shack color Computer 2 with Cassette drives, then a double floppy disk setup and I was in high cotton!
Then I remember paying an ungodly amount of 500 bucks for a 10 megabyte hard drive.
I religiously backed that thing up taking hours onto the floppy disks and even the cassette tapes I remember and then checking them to make sure they worked.

Ahhh… times have changed so quick. I turn 58 on Labor Day and that seems like just yesterday.
   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #38  
A couple of points -
Don't backup to only 1 device. Keep several hard drives and if you can't take the time to backup to all of them at least rotate them.
Don't depend on Microsucks backup program - if your PC dies the backup may require THE SAME pc to restore the data.
   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #39  
Only 'restore' your PC from original restore Disk. Backups regularly carry along dormant viruses and worms. Backup your critical data only. I use a DVD/r/w. You may have to reload programs purchased bit sometime that is great opportunity to do some cleanup of your files...often people have old or even conflicting programs loaded over years that cause data issues.

A backup restore disk may not let you access individual files. Recovery is typically all or nothing. With my method, even if I have to get a new PC, I can get my photos and spreadsheets back.
   / If this can happen to a really smart guy like me. . . well... #40  
I only backup my documents and photo's folders. I figure everything else will boot up with the next laptop and I just need to move those folders over. Is there something else I need to save?