If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop

   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #1  


Elite Member
Jan 21, 2016
Hawthorne, Fl
Kioti CK2610 HST
So, I have seen stuff on Facebook, and Next Door, where everyone attacks the idea that if you hit a dog, in the road, and not stop. Now, I get the people making the posts are probably upset, But... If you drove down a rural-rural/residential road, and hit a dog, would; would you stop, and if you stopped, what would you do? I'm gonna say right here, these posts, I did Not hit their dog, but I have hit a dog in the past. I checked my vehicle and left.

Do people think you should knock on doors and try to tell someone that you ran over their dog? Seems like a recipe for disaster. If their dog was in the road, I would try to claim against their insurance, not offer to pay for their dog.

Do people expect you to load up an injured wild animal against its will, and take it to a Very expensive vet? I personally would not be offering to pay, possibly thousands of dollars for someone's animal.

Do they expect you to humanly put an injured dog down, right on the side of the road? Would that be worse. Someone drives by to see you popping a dog on side of the road, not a good look.

Where I live, it has paved roads with 2-10 acres properties, about 3/4 of the lots are just wooded lots without houses. It has a reputation for people dumping their unwanted dogs off, and we regularly get stray animals. If would the dog having or not having a collar matter in your decision?

I have dogs, and I would be a bit upset id they got hit, and my wife/kids much more BUT; its our job to keep them out of the road.

Sorry, not a cheery topic, but every time I see a post calling these guys monsters, and calling it a Hit and Run, i think to my self; what the heck do you expect someone to do?

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   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #2  
I guess my opinion would be to follow your conscious. My brother and I ran over a dog 35 years ago. It was mangled beyond belief. We had no idea who’s it was and it was at night, so we left after dragging it to the side of the road.
FB has become a place where the kings and queens of virtue signaling roam. Once they find someone who does something they perceive to be wrong, they go out of their way to “cancel” them as punishment, using banishment or gang mentality tactics of humiliation. Dont even go there. It’s all so childish and ridiculous.
   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #3  
I’m not stopping. Most times it would make and unfortunate accident escalate to something more. Good way to end up on the news and not in a a good way.
   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #4  
Depends on the area. If I hear banjo music I might try and find the owner. If the house is nearby.

It's a tough call. You have to follow your instincts these days.
   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #5  
I have noticed the exact same thing on Faceboook in my area. All the local community and block watch pages on there.

Anytime someones dog is hit/killed on the road....it begins. How terrible and cruel the person must have been to not knock, or stay with the poor dog, etc etc. Say much of the same stuff you point out in your post....they still defend it. Saying things like what if it was a kid or person.....etc etc.

NOt to mention that there are SOOO many people who think its the drivers fault. and the facebook infamous "people need to slow down and pay attention" gets uttered dozens of times. Knowing my luck....I'd hit a dog and the owner would be one of this types....throwing a fit, blaming me, wanting me to pay, etc etc. It wouldnt end well.

These same watch pages are also full of CONSTANT people posting about "suspicious" persons/vehicles EVERYTIME someone pulls in their drive, turns around, or drives just a little slower than normal. And on THOSE posts...there is never a shortage of comments like "locn'n'load" or "shoot first ask questions later", or "glock'n'load" or "glock glock, whose there" etc etc.

SO I cannot really blame anyone for not wanting to stop and knock on anyones door in this county.

ME, I would probably stop and check on dog. IF its a gonner.....Id ask around but wouldnt spend all day doing it. Couple of doors and ask if they know....if they know nothing Im gone. IF the dog is injured and seems friendly....the animal lover that I am, Id probably take it to the vet. NO way in hell would I pay for it though.
   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #6  
I have been on both sides of this coin.

20 years ago I hit a dog, out in the county. I might have been going 40 miles an hour or less as I was on the brakes and skidding down a wet road. The dog rolled for about 20 feet and then ran off down into a holler. I stopped and got out and I could see the dog down there sitting but as soon as I made a move it ran further away. It was obviously still alive, but possibly injured, I had no way of knowing or even finding out. I got in my car and left.

I have also had a dog hit and killed. In a residential neighborhood where people exceed the speed limit on a daily basis. I was out of town and a friend was watching my dog. It was a good dog but had a mischievous side to him, in the end it got him killed. This was my best friend that was watching him, he blamed himself for letting the dog get out of the yard. I didn't blame him, at this point even if it was his fault it was a done deal it was either lose a friend or move on in life. The person did not stop, but a kind soul behind this person did. He called me, and took the dog down the road to the vet. Ultimately the dog had to be put down and was ashes by the time I got home from out of town. It does not surprise me that the person that hit him didn't stop, I am just glad someone did. There is still LOTS of good in this world.
   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #7  
If it were my dog I'd want to know that it had died. If my dog were in the road and hit by a vehicle I would not blame the driver of the vehicle - not unless there were witnesses to verify that the driver intentionally tried to hit the dog.

If it were truly accidental I would not expect the owner of the vehicle to pay for any care nor expenses of the animal. In fact, I'm sure there are instances that the driver might have grounds to sue the owner of the dog if it caused them damage or harm.
   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #8  
If a dog has a collar and tag or a chip one might find out who to notify eventually. If not IMO it's on the loose and not the driver's responsibility.

Neighbor knocked and asked "Who's going to pay my vet bill?" after his dog wandered into a legal coyote (edited) set. (#1 1/2 leg-hold) I suggested he address whomever let it out (of its generous run) to wander across the road ... after annoying several other dogs kept inside their fenced yards/runs.
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   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #9  
Yes - I would have to stop.

If it was dead, I’d move it out of the road, check the tags and if it had a tag call the owner. I’d stay until the owner arrived. I couldn’t hit a dog and leave it on the road and not tell the owner.

If it was hurt, I’d try to see the tag and I’d call the owner. If it wouldn’t let me near or was a danger, I’d have to leave. But, I’d feel horrible.

   / If you hit a dog in the road, would you stop #10  
I've been on both sides of this. I have hit a cat and dog once each in my many years of driving. The cat was a goner and the nearest houses were dark, so I could not inform anyone. I slammed on my breaks when the dog popped up on the road. The dog got hit and rolled. It hobbled off. I stopped because that dog likely needed help. Unfortunately the road only had houses on the one side of the road. The closest house said that based on the description of the dog, it didn't belong to anyone near him. The two of us looked around in the brush for the dog, but we couldn't find it.

Many years ago, I had a dog get out to the road. A car tried to stop and ended up getting my dogs foot. He saw the dog limping back to the house and followed. He was kind enough to let me know that he thought he hit my dog. I thanked him and apologized for the situation. I then focused on helping my dog. He hopefully went off knowing that no one was blaming him and that the animal that was injured was going to be taken care of.

I don't fault anyone for not stopping. There are too many crazies. Look at the OPs attachment! They are judgmental and attacking someone for a situation they were responsible for. Do what you feel comfortable doing.