Groan 3; the Sequel

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   / Groan 3; the Sequel #281  
Teamwork!!!! 👍
   / Groan 3; the Sequel #283  
One day while doing door-to-door market research, this guy knocks on a door and is greeted by a beautiful young housewife.
"Hello," he starts, "I'm doing some research for a petroleum jelly manufacturer. Have you ever used the product?"
"Yes. My husband and I use it during sex," she answers.
The researcher is taken aback. "Um, er, I admire you for your honesty," he continues. "Can you tell me exactly how you use it?"
"Sure, we put it on the doorknob so the kids can't get in."
   / Groan 3; the Sequel #284  
   / Groan 3; the Sequel #288  
It's strange to think 75 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars.
Today everyone has a car and only the rich own horses.
My grandmother said her next door neighbor was rich; they had a horse. This was around the year 1904. She lived way out in the country, 2nd house from the end of the road. Today, that house is 2 blocks off of a main drag and closer to the center of town than it is to the outskirts of town.

As far as 75 years ago everyone owning a horse and only the rich had cars... not around here. Almost every family had a car before WWII. But, every location is different.
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