JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment?

   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment? #1  


Silver Member
Oct 7, 2013
Eastern Indiana
JD 850 & 4310
I'm trying to adjust the rockshaft to keep it from going into relief when I lift it up. So far I've adjusted the "lift arm position feedback rod" as short and as long as it will go and I can't tell much difference between either of them.

As it is, when I pull up to position 4 (of 6) it is completely raised and goes into relief. It does this no matter how short or long I adjust the feedback rod.

Any ideas?

   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment? #2  
Look to see if the linkage is all hooked up according to the jdparts.com image attached. Sounds like something may be connected wrong.
On my 4300 which is I'm sure nearly the same, that was a simple adjustment at the top of the travel of the rockshaft. If you are hitting relief long before being at the top, not right.
Has the rockshaft been apart? Might someone not have positioned it correctly when reassembling? Just some thoughts.


  • 4310_3pt_arm_adjust.jpg
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   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment?
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All appears to be hooked up correctly although I can't see much without taking off the seat and seat pan and such.

I can't say for certain if the rockshaft has ever been taken apart. It was nine years old when I got it last year. I replaced the seat suspension last year and cleaned it up some, I couldn't see where it had been messed with. I did have it at the dealer and they split it but that was for a transmission issue. It didn't look like they had to take the rockshaft off.

I'll try this leakage test and see if that tells me anything then I'll probably take off the seat and pan again and see if I notice anything.

   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment?
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Well there was no measurable movement in either one of the leak down tests.
Not sure that had anything to do with my issue anyway but I was anticipating the worst.
   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment?
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Pretty proud of myself today. I fixed the problem with the rockshaft going into relief AND the problem with the rockshaft not holding position which lets the rear implement drop after a while.

Anyway, if anyone cares or if this can help somebody else, here's what I did.

Basically I said the heck with it and just started taking things apart. I've been wanting to clean off some of the south Alabama red dirt that was caked on my tractor for a while now. I bought it used, well used, like they found it in a river used, last year. It migrated up to Indiana somehow.

I took off the seat and seat suspension when I got it, the suspension was broke so i got a new one to put on. I went to take the plastic seat panel off and couldn't figure out to get it over the range shifter knob. It looks like the orange cap just pops off but I was having trouble with it and didn't want to screw it up so I just left the seat panel on.

Today I checked JD parts and found out that the orange cap only costs about 3 bucks so I went for it. I took a screwdriver and lifted up the back of it and it popped right off. I don't know why it didn't do that last year. My next question was how to get the seat panel over the 3 PH knob. I looked at JD parts online and it looked like it just pulled off so I gave it a go. It was a little stubborn but it too slid off.

Once the seat panel came off I could get a good look at the 3 PH linkage. I saw that a roll pin (Part #40 in the pic) had almost completely came out of the hole in a lever that it was supposed to go into. It was just barely hanging on and thankfully it was still there or I may not have known that it was ever supposed to be there.

I tapped it back into place and that took care of the 3 PH going into relief.

I also wanted to see if I could tighten up the 3PH lever. My lever wasnt sloppy loose but I had a theory that it was slipping just a tad when I was driving which would let the lift arms go down. On my 850 there was a little nut that you could see plain as day that you tightened it up with, on the 4310 it's not so obvious. You have to take off the lever that you pull on (part #2) to get to the nut (part #5) that tightens it up. I did that and no more dropping down.

Here's the parts diagram from JD parts and a few other pics from the whole process.
   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment? #6  
Thanks for the write up. Now I know what to expect if I have problems with my 4310.

That is how this site works best, people sharing the experience and sharing the knowledge.
   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment? #7  
I had the opposite problem with my 4310 rockshaft. It was adjusted to stop about four inches shy of max. A couple of turns on the feedback rod and it was up. I was able to increase tension on the friction washer for the position lever by reaching under the seat pan, not easy but doable.
   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment?
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How did you do that?

I had to take off this


To get to this, the nut that tightens it up

   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment?
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I just went out and looked at it.

It does look like it would be possible to take the lever off by reaching up underneath from behind and then tightening it up. Not much room to work but do-able.

If it loosens up again I will know. Thanks.
   / JD 4310 rockshaft adjustment? #10  
Thanks for the write up. Now I know what to expect if I have problems with my 4310.

That is how this site works best, people sharing the experience and sharing the knowledge.

Amen, mfreund! It's nice to see what's under the seat of my 4300. Many thanks, 4310!