Recent content by dirtymartini

  1. dirtymartini

    Price Check Appraisal

    No insurance...
  2. dirtymartini

    Price Check  Appraisal

    I have been going through the divorce process for three years now. The latest thing now is she wants half the value of my 2011 LS R4047 with loader and backhoe. I tried telling the lawyer there is no blue book for tractors. Then he wanted me to get a written appraisal, but no dealer wants to...
  3. dirtymartini

    Loader bucket won't curl

    I looked online at Messick's, the cable goes for $101. Not sure if I will order 2 but will check my local dealer first.
  4. dirtymartini

    Loader bucket won't curl

    After work today I did a little more troubleshooting. I swapped the curl/dump hydraulic lines and was able to curl but not dump...just the opposite of the original problem. This told me the problem was not in the cylinders. At first I thought I had broken a piece off of the joystick where the...
  5. dirtymartini

    Loader bucket won't curl

    I pulled the rubber boot away to take a look. It appears to be a cable that goes down to a control valve.On the joystick side there is a little spool that isn't moving. When I move the joystick up/down that spool moves. The dump spool the same but the curl function seems to be stuck in the...
  6. dirtymartini

    Loader bucket won't curl

    LS R4047. I was unloading some sawmill flitches onto the burn pile with my grapple. I shook the grapple a couple of times to flick the flitches off and when I backed away from the pile I couldn't curl the grapple. When I move the joystick left there is no resistance, just a lot of free play...
  7. dirtymartini

    Shipping container for tractor storage

    What county? I'm in NEPA also.
  8. dirtymartini

    Divorce, need value help!

    So far, so good. She paid her attorney 15k so far and I have paid mine 2.5k. She hadn't gotten anything extra for all of that moneyl[emoji38]
  9. dirtymartini

    PINE logs anyone?

  10. dirtymartini

    Divorce, need value help!

    Probably the most honest, straightforward piece of advice yet. This divorce has been like the movie "War of the Roses "
  11. dirtymartini

    Divorce, need value help!

    I wasn't getting notifications on this thread and forgot all about it. Believe it or not I'm still going through it. The brand new house we built is sold and the closing is on June 15th. Then the fight over assets starts. She is one crazy woman. She had the papers served on my September 24...
  12. dirtymartini

    Pat's Quick Hitch customer service

    I ordered a Pat's Quick hitch, Cat 1 when there were on sale here at TBN. It won't fit the tractor I bought it for without a lot of modifications to the lift arms. I have e-mailed Pat's about returning it but never got a reply. I'm not real happy with their customer service. Anyone need a...
  13. dirtymartini

    Pats quick hitch won't fit

    I bought a Pat's quick hitch during the black Friday sale here for my girlfriends tractor so we could leave the backhoe on mine most of the time. The hitches won't slide over the ends of the lift arms, there is a bell shaped end on them. I have sent an email to Pat's but have not received a...
  14. dirtymartini

    Divorce, need value help!

    My wife filed for divorce and I need to value my 2011 R4047 with FEL and backhoe for marital assets. About 500 hours on the tractor. I know one thing for sure , she is not getting the tractor!
  15. dirtymartini

    Grappling fun - A Picture Thread....

    Finally got it