
I'm a person who likes to work with his hands and never got much out of sitting in a classroom. Some folks could walk by a school house and pick up information out of the vibrations in the air. Me, I could sit in a classroom for a week and not remember why I was even there. Back then they just dubbed us trouble makers and today they call it ADD. I wondered about why I was the way I was for years but never could figure out why I did some of the dumb things I did. I was almost 50 years old before I finally figured it out from having to deal with my youngest son and how he struggled in school. I looked at him and some of the really strange things he did and one day I realized he was just like me. I didn't want him to have to struggle all his life the same way as I did and took him to a doctor and after some testing they said he had ADHD and wanted to put him on Adderall which I was totally against at the time but after doing some reading and looking into what ADD was and how it could effect you I changed my views on it and it helped him a lot with being able to sit still long enough to pick up what his teachers were trying to do in the classroom.

Some say most kids get over this with treatment once they get older and live normal lives but back when I was a kid they didn't even know there was such a thing to treat. I got through life by having to go about everything in a different way than most people do. I guess that's why I never could work for the man and had to go out on my own and find ways to make a living. I've done a lot of different things to make a living mostly in construction trades but the last 20 years or so I was in the boat business, working on, selling new and used boats and equipment until the economy started to tank after the awful tragedy of 9/11. After that things never got back to where they were but we were holding our own up until 2009 then everything fell apart and and I had to pull the plug on the business and at which time I decided to move all my stuff home and out of the building I was in to ride out the slow economy before I was completely broke.

My construction background came into play at that time as I embarked on the project of building a shop out behind my house so I could be ready if and when the economy did come back so I could have a place of my own to work and play out of for the rest of my hopefully very long life.

I know I'll never get rich, figured that out at a very early age but I have much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful wife that I think understands me. I have three sons and two grand kids that I love very much, plenty of toys that I have picked up along the way....most by the way I hardly ever get a chance to play with, I have good health and other than the ADD thing which I have learned to live with I'm doing just fine.

Guns, shooting sports, Motocross racing, hunting, fishing, medal fabrication, welding,
Jul 14, 1947 (Age: 77)
Richmond Va
Semi retired mechanic and well known jack of all trades
Real Name
Kubota L3301, PowerKing 2414, John Deere 316, Gravely ZT HD 52
Lot Size
10 ac
Type of Member
Homeowner (1-10 acres)


If you don't like what you are getting; Then quit doing what you are doing.


