Cataracts and other visual concerns!

   / Cataracts and other visual concerns! #11  
I've had glasses, for 45 years. The eye dr has told me she can't do anything else for me (new glasses Rx wise) and I'll be needing cataract Sx. I've put it off for a year, so I'm gonna have to plan on that. I need to decide if I want wear glasses for driving, or for close up work... Which is more a common decision?
   / Cataracts and other visual concerns! #12  
Many only decide so they can renew their license and keep driving.

There are various lenses called premium that might be suitable.

I'm Femtosecond Laser certified as a LenSx tech but not a doctor.

I do interact with the early morning eye patients that start arriving at 5:30 am and most common reaction after the first eye is how soon can the second be done?

We also have post surgery patients asking when will the doctor see me and I have to say you are all done and the procedure went great... patient has no recollection of the procedure or the last thing they remember is dilation and numbing drops or maybe seeing a light.
   / Cataracts and other visual concerns! #13  
@ultrarunner thanks for the pointer to ORA; I wasn't aware of that. It sounds like $50 very well spent. I saw this;

which stated that in more than 50% of the cases, a different power lens was selected. That is a pretty stunning result to me, as was their statement that 97.8% of patients ended up with eyesight within 0.5 diopters.

Any idea what the angular resolution of a lens is? (Any measurements of acuity / chromatic dispersion?)

All the best,

   / Cataracts and other visual concerns!
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I've had glasses, for 45 years. The eye dr has told me she can't do anything else for me (new glasses Rx wise) and I'll be needing cataract Sx. I've put it off for a year, so I'm gonna have to plan on that. I need to decide if I want wear glasses for driving, or for close up work... Which is more a common decision?
I'm going. The monofit because I'm not a big fan of glasses. I can read 20 /20 on my phone or computer with my left eye and hopefully I will without glasses see 20/20 at the distance in the right eye. You can look at the others pros and cons but I'll touch base with you later. I've got to run for now.
   / Cataracts and other visual concerns! #15  
Not without checking…

Most but not all opt for the ORA as it is an extra cost.

Some have what is called a dense cataract which can influence options and makes pre-op cataract evaluation a challenge for precise biometric measurement.
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   / Cataracts and other visual concerns! #16  
I had three choices. One was free but would not correct astigmatism. The next leve correct corrected astigmatism and cost $3000. The top level included "progressives" and some other feature but the doctor said about 20% reported problems with halos night driving and other issues...I took door number 2.

I am 20/30 and 20/40 so can drive without glasses. I am on the computer now without glasses but use reader when using the iPhone for games or when the print is small. Need glasses to read most of the stuff printed on OTC medicine packages as well.

But I can do most of work, reloading, and shooting without readers.

It is nice and cheap to be able to use non-prescription work, shooting and sun glasses.

No regrets.
   / Cataracts and other visual concerns! #17  
my optometrist told me my eyeballs were no longer round, they were oblong
I used to work for a man that was extremely near sighted. Looking at his eyes you could see that the cornea was pointed. Looking at his closed eyes you could see the bumps in his eye lids from his pointed eyes. One time I got a metal chip in my eye and he wanted to look at it before I went to the eye clinic. He took his glasses and rested his cheek bone on my cheek bone in order to see my eye.
   / Cataracts and other visual concerns! #18  
I had a torn and detached retina. Happened as I was teaching. Like a curtain going down in my right eye. Drove to a DR nearby, against the schools advise, about 15 minutes using one eye. He said, get to the hospital ASAP. I did. They tried freezing as a patch, something else as a patch. Came back the next day for final surgery to fix. Stuck a needle in my eye to inject gas to put pressure on repair. At one point a popsicle stick was jammed between my eye ball and the side to move out of the way. 2 years later developed a cataract. Had that done. Wife calls that eye the billion dollar eye... all that was NOT FUN!!!
2 years later, went to surgeon who did first eye. He said don't wait so long... repaired in his office. Just waiting on that to develop a cataract...
On a side note, floaties make me laugh at myself as I swap at them like fruit flies.
   / Cataracts and other visual concerns! #19  
We really need socialized medicine in this country today, not that it will ever happen because it most likely won't. it's a political football and the medicine companies are getting wealthy while the population suffers.
I have to disagree. Yes, we need serious changes in the medical care is administered in the country...but putting the Federal government in charge is not the answer.

Why do I say that? Because I am a veteran and eligible for VA medical care. What a joke! I signed up with the VA and got my medical card 7 years ago when I retired. Then I would get periodic emails from the VA telling me I really need to make an appointment for a full physical, call this number to make your appointment. I would call that would ring and ring and ring and finally a message would come on telling me they were too busy to take my call right now and try another time. And it isn't just my sister works for the VA and tells me this is how it is. I've a friend who is retired Marine (30 years); he tells me when he needs to see a VA doctor he just stops at the VA clinic and tells them he is experiencing chest pains and that way they get him in right away.

It may be getting better. A couple months ago I saw a news article on-line that because of all the access problems the VA was instituting an email appointment program. How it works - you send your information to this email address and then someone from the VA will call you to set up an appointment. I tried it, and it worked. 3 weeks later someone from the VA called and set me up an appointment. 3 weeks ago I went to my appointment, had my physical and bloods drawn...but as of a couple days ago, they still didn't have the results of the blood work. The local hospital would have had the results of the blood work the next day.

That's how the Federal government runs health care. And not just in this country. I've friends from Canada who have come to this country for medical procedures that they were told in Canada they would have to wait 8 to 10 months to get done.

I'd rather pay more and get my health care when I actually need it, not some time in the distant future!