You Know You Are Old When

   / You Know You Are Old When #2,401  
Our building podiatrist do a lot of elderly and also diabetic trimming.

I started doing moms but then had her see one of our docs and it was a win for both of us.

When mom was no longer mobile the doc offered to come to the house… very caring.

If your feet are in pain it effects more than your feet.
   / You Know You Are Old When #2,402  
I used to have to trim my father in-law's finger and toe nails. He couldn't do it because his hands didn't work correctly, and he couldn't reach his feet anymore, being 93 years old. If his wife tried to do it, he'd scream, saying it hurt. But if I did it, he was fine and would say thanks. I think maybe me mother in-law was twisting his arthritic fingers and toes a bit trying to get them into position while facing him, whereas, I'd stand next to him and trim them like they were my own. I miss him. :)
Let me tell you how I know you are a good man.....
   / You Know You Are Old When #2,404  
Last night I tried to make a reservation at a hotel 4 hours away for work for this evening on a moments notice.

It seems like you can no longer call and talk to a person but you have to do everything online.

I'm in the between stages dealing with technology. Better than my father dealing with online crap, but worse than my son or wife.
   / You Know You Are Old When #2,405  
Let me tell you how I know you are a good man.....
I'll spare you the details about helping my mother in-law's father pee. 🙃

Or getting "the call" at 2:00am to go there and pick him off the floor.

Had one a few months ago with the mother in-law, who just got diagnosed with COVID, where she called us then got incoherent and fell. Got to her house and she was stuck between the bed and night stand. Reached down to feel for breath and she barfed on my hand. Splendid. o_O

So, when you're a kid, you get grossed out by vomit.
When you're a dad, you'll cup your hands to catch vomit from your kid so it doesn't get on the furniture or car seat.
When you're older, you'll put up with all kinds of bodily functions from your family, because you know how humiliating it can be to have to ask for help yourself.

The circle of life.
   / You Know You Are Old When #2,406  
So, when you're a kid, you get grossed out by vomit.
When you're a dad, you'll cup your hands to catch vomit from your kid so it doesn't get on the furniture or car seat.
When you're older, you'll put up with all kinds of bodily functions from your family, because you know how humiliating it can be to have to ask for help yourself.

The circle of life.
   / You Know You Are Old When #2,409  
When the AI personality can't answer any question because it isn't designed to look that far back.
   / You Know You Are Old When #2,410  
How about when you get angry at the drop-down menu where they make you scroll back to your birth year, versus just typing the damn number manually. It can take quite a while to scroll back that far, for some TBN'ers!