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  1. B

    Shibaura S1700-0

    I have just bought a Shibaura S1700-0. It is a nice 2 cylinder tractor that is in need of some parts. Most importantly a new radiator. the one it has is shot. Any information or input is appreciated. I would also like any info on the tractor in general (hp???) The engine has a number LE752A...
  2. B

    Shibaura S1700-0

    I have just bought a Shibaura S1700-0. It is a nice 2 cylinder tractor that is in need of some parts. Most importantly a new radiator. the one it has is shot. Any information or input is appreciated. I would also like any info on the tractor in general (hp???) The engine has a number LE752A.
  3. B

    Shibaura 1700-0

    I have just bought a Shibaura S1700-0. It is a nice 2 cylinder tractor that is in need of some parts. Most importantly a new radiator. the one it has is shot. Any information or input is appreciated. I would also like any info on the tractor in general (hp???) The engine has a number LE752A.