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  1. Clustergear

    2 post or 4 post vehicle lift ideas

    this the under side. Ends drop into the rails where a slide jack wound go. I made 5 of them. I lay a couple of sheets on top and that gives a full flat deck on 4 post. Great for storing stuff When I put something narrow like tractor on lift I remove the ones not support tractor that...
  2. Clustergear

    2 post or 4 post vehicle lift ideas

    I have both 2 & 4 post lifts in my garage. 2 post is great for most repair work. But is not good if you plan on using it to store a car or truck on it. Put a car on a 2 post lift wheels of the ground and open a door and you’ll see what I mean. Old cars and convertibles really flex. Also...