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  1. M

    Thanks to the good folks here!! New owner of LS G3038

    I have been super busy, but wanted to just check in quickly and say thank you to all the good folks here who took time and answered all my questions and gave me advice. I read a lot of other and older threads as well and learned a lot and I ended up buying an LS G3038 and couldn't be happier...
  2. M

    flail vs finish mower

    Hi, I have been reading up on past threads about flail mowers, some very good info, but I am getting a bit conflicting info. Some say that the flail is "almost" as good as a finish mower, and some say "as good, or better" I have several acres to mow which is mostly pretty level. Most is lawn...
  3. M

    Hydraulic rear blade and sitrex finish mower and tiller

    Hi, I have decided to buy a new LS G3038h tractor and would like to get a finish mower, tiller, and a rear hydraulic blade. My dealer has a sitrex finish mower, and tiller, but cannot get me the type of rear blade that I want. Couple questions, does anyone have experience with Sitrex? What...
  4. M

    Massey or LS?? Help me decide please

    So I have been a lurker, and I have learned a lot, still don't know much, but I do know a lot more than I used to. We recently bought a home with 9 acres and we are big gardeners so we are going to make use of our land. much of it is open field which is very nice so we plan on planting rows of...