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  1. k6dyc

    Price Check  Gotta sell, here's what I think it's worth...

    Well, the home situation has changed and it's time to sell. Here's what I've got and my comments. Feel free to tell me what YOU think. I'm going to post it in the regional Shopper paper and Craigslist. 2006 Toolcat A003xxx C series, 675 hours. Standard hydraulics. Perfect operating...
  2. k6dyc

    Tilt tach problem with Bobcat bucket

    I recently got a good deal on the tilt tach from Skidsteer Solutions, a product I have wanted for some time. I intend to use it to tilt the bucket to dig and clean out drainage ditches. The tilt tach fit perfectly on my Toolcat mounting plate but I could not get my Bobcat 62" low profile...
  3. k6dyc

    Actuallu used crab-steer mode today

    I actually found a use for crab-steer mode today. I was clearing some ground next to the new barn and it was a bit slippery from the snow. I slid sideways toward the barn wall and was within a few inches of hitting it. I was afraid that if I went forward or backward I might actually slide into...
  4. k6dyc

    Anyone using tire chains on their Toolcat?

    I've been doing a lot of snow clearing in the past month, and today I ordered a set f chains to increase my traction. I don't have any paved surfaces anywhere on the property so I'm not worried about damage. ;) I have found that once the snow is compacted and the top 6"-12" is plowed away...
  5. k6dyc

    It's too cold to build a barn, but we're doing it anyway!

    When I finally made the decision to start a barn project last September, I planned on having it done between Thanksgiving and Christmas. looking back, that would have been great since we had some very favorable weather. However, truss assembly held us up a few weeks and we didn't break ground...
  6. k6dyc

    Newbie hello

    Just received my tc yesterday as a Christmas present from my wife; ain't she wonderful? I've already read the entire forum here and you guys certainly represent a wealth of information. I'm active on a number of other forums related to weather stations, and now I have another site to visit...