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  1. B

    T2310-(TC40DA) any reviews or opinions?

    After changing my mind a dozen times on what to get (yesterday it was a Kubota Grand L3940), I am going with the T2310. It just feels good on me, will do the work I need done, and it looks good too. It drives easy, has a tight turn radius, has a great FEL control, and is very comfortable. I...
  2. B

    L4400 or MX5100 HELP!!!! cant decide which

    Buying my first tractor is becoming more stressful than buying my house. I have looked and read and been to every dealer around. I think a couple of tractor salesmen are actually tired of seeing me. I have heard every story from every salesman about what I need and don't need-never the same...
  3. B

    What tires to get on my first tractor?

    This is my first post and I'm looking to buy my first tractor and let me just say that this site is the absolute best place on the net for info on tractors. I've learned a lot just looking around. I've looked at JD, NH T2310, Kubota L4400, and Kioti and all of the salesmen tell me that their...