This is probably a question I know the answer to but here goes anyway. I purchased my Lioti RX 7320 CB 12/1/23 I am considering trading it in on a Kioti 750 TL machine as that is closer to what I needed in the first place.
My tractor only has 30 hours on it and has been under cover most of...
The wifely unit is talking more and more about getting a tracked skid steer rather than an excavator. Are there any 'quality', less expensive, skid steers out there?
It's been the harshest winter here in over a decade with a lot of ice.
For those who maintain private roads or long driveways, what do you use for anti skid and how do you spread & store it?
Back when we bought the M59, the dealer threw in one of these SSQA 3pt adapters for the FEL.
I don't think either one of us knew of a use for it, but it looked well built & interesting.
Over the years I've tried it with various reversible back blades to push and pull light snow....not very...
Update below :
Curious, any anybody else had issues they’re not getting resolved, I pre-ordered a full-size skid steer to mini skid steer adapter plate from Titan, the prom I have is with the pin spacing, one pin is welded further rearwards snd the top mounting edge has a bow to it, the person...
I'm looking for a used tracked CTL skid steer for farm work. Clean up, some dirt work, woods clean out, etc.
The question I have is undercarriage and its real effect in an offroad/farm/woods environment.
I've rented several tracked skid steers from local Boyd Cat facility for farm work, and my...
The interior cab light in my 2008 S185 skid steer quit working for the first time since I have owned the machine. Using a flashlight to take the covering off the light and remove the bulb (Here at almost 60 degrees N. everything requires a light right now no matter the time of day unless it's...
Here’s my mod for my BX2750D for use on a new property with gravel driveway.
3/4” rebar was welded onto circular plates and heated with a torch to form a circle.
1” square tubing slides in receivers made of 1 1/2 angle iron welded together.
Three 1/4” holes 1/2” apart allow setting them 3/4”...
I use my bobcat around my house for various projects. It's a T595. I use it a few times a year.
How do light residential guys keep there machines fueled? Filling the 5 gas containers seems like a lot of work. I was thinking about getting a transfer pump and just pumping straight out of my...
Totally new to this world, but I’m trying to take in a lot of scattered information and figure out what will work best and what to buy vs. rent. I am hearing a lot of guys on here say, forget the backhoe attachment and get a mini X. What is the threshold for that decision?
My environment is...
So, I’m thinking on ways to secure the tractor on the trailer, and had the thought that I could weld a SSQA plate onto the trailer and clip into it to secure the front of the tractor.
Any thoughts positive or negative would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jigs
what is your favorite skid steer ? i rented a cat too clean up a few things , plenty of power , i might buy it , last one i used was a melroe , maybe i should demo a couple different ones before i buy, sure has been nice in the ac on hot days
I'm trying to replace a leaking high pressure hyd hose on this machine's hydrostatic cooler. I can't get the fittings to break loose using standard wrenches. Anyone have any suggestions for getting hyd hose fittings to break loose? There is very limited space in which to work and wondered if...
I need help figuring out what to buy!
Please tell me what YOU would do! And how YOU would approach this project.
We just bought a 150 acre farm (all crop land). All of it is rolling hills - nothing terribly steep, but not flat either.
In the next year or so, I need to:
1. Cut and grade an...
Is anyone familiar with a Mahto skid steer machine? I have a friend who has an L1300 and he has asked me to look at it. Not sure what I’m getting into but the left hand joystick seems to bog the engine and barely pulls forward or backwards the right side joystick works normally. He is also...
Without deference to brand loyalty, does anyone have a clear preference to a certain brand of skid loader and why?
Just now starting to look. Would prefer pre emissions. Definitely want a tracked machine.
Gravitated towards Deere (like a 333) and CAT (like a 297), but would buy any well known...
Morning folks..
I'm retired and want to build a garage with a apartment myself.. I used to do hvac and maintenance so I know a little about construction and Ive been reading.. No building inspections in my remote area of Iowa.
So I'm going back and forth about what machine would be the...
I've been giving serious thought to the purchase of a used tracked skid steer for use on my own property. I own a small tractor that I used for most of my chores, but my property is heavily wooded and I'd like to be able to run a brush cutter in between the trees to open things up. There's...
i have a CAT skid steer model 232b2. i haven't been able to get the arms to raise up on it. with machine running parking indicator lamp does not come on. when i am pushing the button to release the parking brake, the seat belt indicator light starts flashing. machine will move, but i cannot...