water pump

  1. B

    LS water pump

    trying to buy a LS G3033 water pump----OR a place that will rebuild it (bearing replacement)----no reply yet from North Carolina LS company
  2. S

    Pulled over for a one-ton truck pulling a water pump in CT.

    Greetings, We have a 3500 GMC one-ton single rear axle with a metal dump box at work. The truck GVWR is 11,100lbs. This is mainly a shop run around truck but do on a rare occasion pull a trailer or travel out of the state of CT pulling a trailer to pick up or drop off equipment or supplies that...
  3. T

    Water pump on mf135 continental year 1967

    Hi folks, I have a neewbie question. I have a 1967 mf135 gas engine. I notice a quite bit of slack on the spindle that has the cooling fan on. I've done a little research, i found out that it's the water pump pulley. Do i need to change the water pump or is there a bearing to change between the...
  4. martin_montreal

    power loss / overheating / pulled thermostat to replace, flushed anti-freeze - none came out from block... water pump?

    2nd final update: flushing with water 3 - 4 times and finally some kind of blockage came out eventually clear water. Closed it up, added 50:50 coolant and it ran at normal operating temperature. Might return the gauge and infrared gun I bought tbd. I don't see big bubbles in the radiator nor did...