AGCO's new site is up.......

   / AGCO's new site is up....... #2  
Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

Why does it not mention Valtra? I thought they recently purcahsed them.
   / AGCO's new site is up....... #3  
Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

You sure do get around. AGCO must be in your blood. I've seen this post on so many boards I had to look at it.
   / AGCO's new site is up....... #4  
Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

Being that they are an American company, I would consider purchases of their products. Might as well keep American dollars here in the United States!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / AGCO's new site is up....... #5  
Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

It is an American company with a lot of(good) imported tractors. I would not buy them just because it is an American owned company,I would buy for quality and best value for the dollar.
   / AGCO's new site is up.......
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Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

hey Chipperman,

The Valtra deal has not cleared all of the regulatory bodies yet. The EU just OK'ed it on Dec.12th. They expect everything to be finalized in January from what I'm hearing.
   / AGCO's new site is up....... #7  
Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

When I was tractor shopping, the Agco was one I was really interested in. I stopped by a local dealer to have a serious discussion on one, but it was almost like he wasn't even interested in selling. Most of his business is in large equipment. He acted like the CUT's were just too much of a burden to fool around with. Had his attitude been different, I may very well have gotten a "different orange" tractor............chim
   / AGCO's new site is up....... #8  
Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

It's strange how some of the old Ag dealers are handling the recent surge in compact sales. It is as though they don't have a clue that the compact sales is the only real growth area in agriculture at this time. When I was shopping back in 1999, the JD dealer wasn't interested and the NH salesman just wanted me to get a larger tractor. I finely just left, It is real irritating when you know what you want and they won't talk to you about it.
   / AGCO's new site is up....... #9  
Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

I have looked at the AGCO compacts and they are nice looking tractors.
   / AGCO's new site is up....... #10  
Re: AGCO\'s new site is up.......

Woodbeef-I had a dealer tell me that Valtra would still operate as a seperate division(Valtra USA). Do you think that's true? If they do I'll bet eventually it will come under the same umbrella. Also I wonder if the Sisu (spell?) engine will be used to replace the Perkins engine
Chuck M.

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