Chinese tractors

   / Chinese tractors #1  

Anonymous Poster

New member
Sep 27, 2005
I have read all the posts on this subject and haven't seen any bad comments about chinese tractors from people who actually own them. This is my two cents, If you are thinking about buying a chinese or any other brand tractor, ask people who own the type tractor you are looking at. Don't give to much weight to the people who say " My friend has" or " No parts" or even " Their Junk ". I have one and I truly believe that it is the best deal out there. I have owned a Kubota before this one and yes there is differences in them but it really boils down to the type of person who is buying and what your needs are. I don't normally reply to message boards, just view, but this time I felt compelled to try and reverse the view on these type of tractors. Im sure a lot of the neg replies have been on older models when the chinese first started to MFG them. The one I have is new and very nice. As John S. stated in this forum, the Chinese tractors have came along way from the beginning. and you need to choose the right Chinese manufacture. Look if you have loads of money and don't have the time, get a tractor from your local dealer and support your local economy. The Chinese tractor market is not for everyone.
Oh, one more comment, If any is dumb enough to say "Buy American" then they need to stop shopping at Wallieworld.
   / Chinese tractors #2  
<font color=orange> if any are dumb enough to say "Buy American".......</font color=orange>

Personally I always look for AMERICAN MADE products. I can't always find them at Walley World or my tractor dealers but I buy them when I can.

Personally I think it's DUMB not to.

   / Chinese tractors
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OK, fair enough. I retract that statement "Dumb". But as ruff as it is, it is still true that most people who use the buy American trip don't understand the impact the Asian market has on your everyday purchases. I do also look at lables and try to buy US> But it's getting harder and harder to do so.

Most of the Big Dealers do as I did. Import a/some tractors from over seas and put the thing together. Can someone please tell me what the difference is?
   / Chinese tractors #4  
I also have looked for a chinese tractor here in Germany in the past to buy one. But wendesday we meet a friend in Poland who had a shop for agricultural equipment. He told us, that the polnish farmers are not very satisfied whith their choices to buy a chinese tractor, and You must know, that in Poland the will fit everything, cause they have not enuogh money to buy always new. Some of the smaller Farmres there own selfbuilded tractors!!
Bernhard, Derichsweiler, Germany
   / Chinese tractors #5  
I would be interested in what brands of Chinese tractors the polish have been using and having problems. Also, it would be nice to understand how they are extensively used. I imagine it is day in and day out use. Allot of plowing and field tending?

   / Chinese tractors
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Hey Bernard,
Do you know how old the tractors are? Or what type of manufacture they are? I would be interested to know about this situation.
   / Chinese tractors #7  
I don't know what a brand they use, but You're right, it's an all day use. This Farmers overthere mostly use newer ones, before that they worked with horses. Most tractors I've seen there had been Ursus.
   / Chinese tractors
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<font color=blue>...Most tractors I've seen there had been Ursus...</font color=blue>

Ursus has mfr. some Massey Ferguson 200 series for quite a few years{under MF license}

The chinese units had developed a very bad reputation mainly for poor quality/inconsistant control and weak/cheap castings...

That's a tough pill to swallow and revive yourself's unit's I would hope to be much better if they plan on going forward...

Do a search on TBN under "Chinese" and you'll find other comments...

   / Chinese tractors #9  
You're right, the newer Ursus are MF-license up to 80 HP, more than 80 HP are Zetor.
They also built compacts. The MF-Ursus are looking like the range built since appr. 1977, the 245 and so on.
The Ursus which I mean are C-28o, C-33o, all more than 25 Years old.