Cosmetic value of used compressor oil

   / Cosmetic value of used compressor oil #11  
Wonderful responses thank you. It cheers me to know I am not the only one incapable of anticipating such problems. However, no-one has been game to comment on my statement:

A woman with her mouth open to talk at the time of the incident would also have acquired free mouthwash as well
Cheers from Oz - Alan

I'll comment on it but it wasn't a woman it happened to. In the 60's I worked for Remington Arms research dept as a custom gunsmith.
The supervisor and engineers had a nice closed off air conditioned area of the department where they could sit for weeks contemplating a project and spend $95,000 dollars of the $100,000 allotted to the job, then come out into the 100 degree shop where we worked, just long enough to tell us they needed this new design built in 3 days and there was only $5000 in the budget to do it.
One time the head engineer with his white shirt and tie was standing next to a barrel drill talking with the operator. These barrel drills look like a lathe and the barrels are in the chuck and spinning at high speed, while a fluted hollow tube with a carbide cutter moves into the barrel to drill the bore. Cutting oil is pumped through the drill tube to cool and wash away the chips. Needles to say just about the time he opened his mouth, the drill broke giving him a good drink and head to toe bath of mighty warm cutting oil.
He never went near the drills again while they were running.
The guys that ran them regularly generally had a change of clothes in their locker for those occasions.
   / Cosmetic value of used compressor oil #12  
you sure aren't the only one to get an oil's kind of a right of passage for tractor ownership.. to be covered insome sort of tractor bodily fluid.

I fondly remember laying under my NH 7610s out in the field miles from anywhere and no cell reception, using a hammer and pair of gas pliers ( only tools I had ) to remove the fuel line, and tap, stick my finder in the tank bung hole at the bottom while I blew the junk out of the tap with my mouth.. allthe time diesel trickling down my am, trying to keep enough in the tank to get back home. oh well.. at least it kept the red ants off me.

a similar situation occured when changine the 13+ gallons of hydro fluid out of my ford 5000.. I had 5g pails under the machine and had the drainplug in hand.. as one pail filled I'd screw the plug back in and change pans at about 4g. on 2nd pan i dropped the plug!

meaning I had one arm fishing ina full 5g bucket of oil, andd the other craned around with my thumb stuck in the drain hole with oul running down the bottom of my arm hitting the arm pit then heading to the chest.... fun days!!
