Elite Member
This would be the likely tool - but have to order it from abroad -
Quick-On Coupling Pliers |
Quick-On Coupling Pliers |
This would be the likely tool - but have to order it from abroad - View attachment 599869
Quick-On Coupling Pliers |
This would be the likely tool - but have to order it from abroad - View attachment 599869
Quick-On Coupling Pliers |
Some of the usual tractor ag type connectors have two way sleeves- you can unlock them by pulling OR pushing the sleeve on the female side. I find those a lot easier to hook up than the one way kind especially on connectors that are not mounted to a bulkhead. There are also some that advertizse being able to connect under pressure. I just ordered some of those for my backhoe which seems to often build pressure on one side even though I keep the BH side connectors hooked together. (the poppet valve type connectors on it don't seem to help with that) Safeway S40 and Pioneer 4200 are two way types. Safeway S70 and Pioneer 8200 are two way connect under pressure. All are available in poppet and ball valve.
The two way female conectors can be mounted by the sleeve. If the body is free to move and the sleeve is held it becomes a breakaway connector- pull on the hose and it will detach. If the mount is firm you can also just push the male side in and it will connect. This would be the easiest way for someone with limited strength to make the conncection as it's not just arm strength, they can put body weight into it. This is what I would recommend.
It might be just the ones I have but connect under pressure flat face couplers require a lot more force to connect than ag types.