Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

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   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #941  
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #942  
:(why does TBN allow it to run?
"They" likely do not 'allow it' - read the user agreement(s) to be certain.

However, it is quite a task to monitor thousands of posts, read each to determine if the post is on or off or in some tangential way related to the OP's request, question or assertion.

Indeed, yours (and this replay) would not conform to such strict rule as you imply.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #943  
Thank you for this data. Evidence to my wife that cats are not pets, they are cold blooded killers and destroyers of the planet lol (Dog person here by the way)
I've lived with cats for 62 years. Any that I've owned as an adult have all been indoor cats. The reason (I've mentioned this before several times) is that when I was a kid, my mom had a cat that was a killing machine. Mice, rats, chipmunks, squirrels (flying squirrels, too), rabbits, opossums, birds, birds, birds. We had a cat door so it could go in and out. Middle of the night you'd hear a weird meow and you just knew she'd be sitting on your bed with some dead gift to feed you (her kitten). It was an almost daily occurrence to find beheaded chipmunks on the porch and a pile of barf. I know for a fact that cat killed at least 300 animals per year, and lived for 21 years. So even with days off, she was responsible for well over 5000 animals. She may be the exception, but man, she was death on 4 legs.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #944  
I have solar panels installed on my home and I have no electric bill, plus I get a money back for supplying the electric grid with my excess production.
I understand it’s not the same as a solar farm but we have to start somewhere to get off oil.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #945  
I didnt pay anywhere near what it cost to have a solar company do it.
But to each their own
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #946  
I have bought panels as low as 25.00 each a converter depending on its size cost about a grand
Those are the 2 major items that you need to get started.
our Arizona electric companies are willing to help you get started with the planning and paperwork that needs to be filed
I know that I have about 5 grand invested in my system that saves my money all year long
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #947  
Some people have got together in one of our communities and are planning on installing a huge multi-acre solar farm on property adjacent to my daughter's and sister-in-law's property. They will be surrounded to the north and south of their properties and across the road. Their property value will go to nearly nothing.

Has anybody fought the installation of one of these?

Any ideas?

They bought a large track of farm land 5 miles south of me for a large scale windmill complex. The more I read the less I like windfarms. At least it's out in the sticks but noise carries at night. Hope it's quiet.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #948  
Uh-oh... fact check. 😬

View attachment 797756

Mostly meaningless unless you can qualify the bird species killed by each, yes I’m sure thousands of sparrows are killed by cats and crashing into building, but large raptors (eagles, vulture, owls) get killed by turbines not cats. Additionally, beyond being an incredible eye sore, turbines have a limited lifespan and are not recyclable, also just like solar have a pathetic potential to meet out power needs. Build nuke plants, put the powerlines underground, and quit funding China’s campaign to subjugate the West.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #949  

What are the new battery and mineral standards?​

Currently, you can claim $3,750 of the $7,500 EV tax credit if at least half of the value of your vehicle's battery components are manufactured or assembled in North America and the other $3,750 if at least 40% of critical minerals -- like graphite, lithium and cobalt -- are sourced from the US or a trade partner. Both requirements increase in the coming years.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #950  
Here you need permits, inspections, Electric company involvement etc.
Grid Tie isolation etc.
Not awful, but some hoops.
Yes you do!
I was trying to test with some ebay portable converters and homemade panels and it worked quite well
my electric company made a mistake in reading my meter and charged me 2000.00 dollars for my monthly bill
I called the company and we figured it out that it was a error
at the end of the conversation my wife blurted out that we have solar and the bill shouldn't be that high and that sent me on my journey into legal sorlar because they said disconnect it right now!
They connected me with their solar division and helped me get started the right way with permits and inspections and sight plans.
The only expense was paying for permits
I also found out that I knew more about installing solar than the city did.
I installed a solar tracking system that tracks the sun to maximize the exposer.
All I am trying to say is that it does not have to cost a fortune to have solar and you dont have to worry about trying to sell a contract if you sell your house.
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