Ford 1700 cooling issues

   / Ford 1700 cooling issues #1  


New member
Jan 3, 2018
Massey Ferguson 1705, Ford 1700
I've just inherited a 1980 Ford 1700 4WD and I have a couple of issues that I'm hoping someone can help me with. The first is the cooling system.

It seemed to be fine when I was plowing snow, but yesterday (warmer weather), I had it running and the temp gauge went all the way up. I wanted to drain and flush the cooling system anyway, just because I don't know when it was last done. I drained the radiator and then opened the plug on the block, and nothing came out. However, when i pulled off the thermostat and a lot of coolant gushed out from the block side. I tested the thermostat, and it opened between 170-180 (I think it's supposed to open at 160F/71C). So the thermostat seems close enough (right?), which leaves me wondering if there's a blockage in the block. Any thoughts or suggestions would be most welcome!

I'll post my other question (about the diff-lock) in a separate thread.

Thank you.
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues #2  
Definitely time to flush which could help cooling. Thermo is not that far off.
Fins clean, air flow good?
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues #3  
Disconnect the lower hose from the engine block and leave the thermostat out. With the engine not running but your garden hose into the thermostat hole and turn on the water. This can dislodge a lot of crud. Move the hose to the lower radiator connection point and repeat. Do this a couple of times then repeat the process with the radiator. This is probably the best you'll do without some kind of solvent based flush. When you refill your system either use a pre mixed coolant or a 50/50 solution of coolant and DISTILLED water.
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues
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Thanks, Roadworthy and TractorTech, for your help. I was able to get the coolant to flow out of the drain plug by reaming it out with a 6d nail. I flushed it from the radiator top through the block plug, but I'll do it those other ways you suggested before I replace the thermo and refill with the coolant mix.
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues #5  
I've just inherited a 1980 Ford 1700 4WD and I have a couple of issues that I'm hoping someone can help me with. The first is the cooling system.

It seemed to be fine when I was plowing snow, but yesterday (warmer weather), I had it running and the temp gauge went all the way up. I wanted to drain and flush the cooling system anyway, just because I don't know when it was last done. I drained the radiator and then opened the plug on the block, and nothing came out. However, when i pulled off the thermostat and a lot of coolant gushed out from the block side. I tested the thermostat, and it opened between 170-180 (I think it's supposed to open at 160F/71C). So the thermostat seems close enough (right?), which leaves me wondering if there's a blockage in the block. Any thoughts or suggestions would be most welcome!

I'll post my other question (about the diff-lock) in a separate thread.

Thank you.
Lots of reasons to overheat besides a failed thermostsat. Clogged air side of radiator, loose fan belt, lower rad hose collapses when the engine is at high rpm. bad rad pressure cap, corroded impeller on water pump, clogged coolant passages in radiator, clogged air filter on a diesel engine.

Most common on a tractor are a clogged air side radiator passages. They plug with dust and chaff.
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues #6  
Thanks, Roadworthy and TractorTech, for your help. I was able to get the coolant to flow out of the drain plug by reaming it out with a 6d nail. I flushed it from the radiator top through the block plug, but I'll do it those other ways you suggested before I replace the thermo and refill with the coolant mix.
Don't put coolant yet. Put a cup of dishwasher soap and clear water and run that a while. That will clean it out. Cascade type powder for a dishwasher does not foam. Drain and flush. Then, after thermostat is in correctly, add your coolant mix. Put your battery in a plastic battery box because the fan pulling acid across the radiator will goof it up. Had a 1900 since new. Radiator in 1984, put a plastic box, same radiator is in it now, since 1984.
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues #7  
Had a 1900 here for 15 years. Never had a radiator replaced. Did have it fixed at the shop once for leaks that I caused banging on it trying to get the inside cleaner though. That one was 40 years old. No battery plastic cover on it.
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues #8  
Same here. I’ve had a 1910 for 25 years with original radiator.
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues #9  
Thanks, Roadworthy and TractorTech, for your help. I was able to get the coolant to flow out of the drain plug by reaming it out with a 6d nail. I flushed it from the radiator top through the block plug, but I'll do it those other ways you suggested before I replace the thermo and refill with the coolant mix.
I have a Ford 1710 and when the grasses start to dry out you need to clear the radiator screen that protects the radiator to keep the temperature down. The fan sucks in a lot of fine particles that block the air flow. It’s a pain to do but necessary.
   / Ford 1700 cooling issues
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Thanks for all the suggestions. I've already flushed the block and the radiator in both directions, cleaned the screen, and refilled it with coolant. The dishwasher soap sounds like a good thing to try if it keeps overheating. I noticed that the fan belt was kind of loose and tightened that up (I can now push it down about an inch without very much pressure). Hopefully that will help.

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