Help with buying a horse

   / Help with buying a horse #61  
Wow, what a beautiful young horse. So are you going to start the horse thread? :) This one's become quite popular. Everyone seems to enjoy sharing pictures of their horses and seeing others. That Clydesdale is awesome! One of the neighbors up the road has one in his field and the thing looks like it could just step right over a normal fence.

So how'd you get the picture to show in the thread. Mine always come out as links?
   / Help with buying a horse
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Thanks for taking time to share with us Appygirl. We love the little girl. :D Looking foreward to a horse thread even though we don't have one...we love 'em, EL.
   / Help with buying a horse #63  
I bet if you stand on your tailgate you would still have to jump up on that guy!! J/k Thank you for your compliments on my filly.

C/ya later

It is Friday and its almost 5 o'clock!! Beer time! Not to many, just enough to mellow out. :D Have a great weekend everyone!!

Yeah right, like I won't be checking in on ya all:rolleyes:
   / Help with buying a horse #64  
She used the (attach) #### (/attach) markup language Where the #'s ar ethe pic ref number, and the ( are square brackets.. etc..


Spiveyman said:
So how'd you get the picture to show in the thread. Mine always come out as links?
   / Help with buying a horse #65  
I'm sorry for not answering the question of the picture.
I hit attachment, browse, went to my pictures, and then choose jpg 1000,upload and that's it. I didn't know it would show up like that...grin
   / Help with buying a horse #66  
Thanks for the tips. I've been using the "manage attachments" button. You can load higher res pictures as links without it slowing down how fast the page loads, but sometimes it's nice to have the picture in the text.

Rough Stock.jpg

Ah ha! Thanks! :)
   / Help with buying a horse
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Hi Spiveyman. We really like the look of your horses playing. Wow, what a bunch of land for them. I read in one of your post you mentioned KY. is horse country and it is. We have drove though most of it and not only are your horses beautiful but the "big money horse men's" fence are nothing to turn your nose up at either. We saw one fence that looked vinyl outside of Lexington on our way to Nashville that seemed to run for miles. Beautiful country for sure. Thanks for posting, El.:)
   / Help with buying a horse #68  
Thanks elalexander. Actually Bubba (the roan Quarter) and Shorty belong to my best friend. We're partners in a cattle business and are in halves in the stock, but we (my friends and the stock) are all like one big family. :) He got his farm first and offered to board horses for us. He's also the guy who taught me most of what I know about horses.

I finally got my farm last year, it's some family land that I bought from my granny. This is part of why I love KY, the gently rolling hills and good rain (most years) make for some beautiful landscapes. Here's kind of a panoramic shot across one of the fields on the back of my farm that we love to ride.

Back 1.jpg

As for KY horse people, yeah it's a bit more than crazy. Most of the barns I pass cost more than my house. Actually, that could probably be said of their fences too! :D I saw the plastic fences start popping up in the early 90's with the really wealthy people outside the horse circle. I think the major horse families around here still use wood for the look. Did you notice the color of the 4 plank fencing around here? Just curious if it's different from other areas.
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   / Help with buying a horse #69  
Nice looking grass field.
We love the rolling fields of KY. We come to KY horse events often and always stay around for a week to ten days just drive around to see the beautiful horse country. Kentucky Horse Park is a wonderful place to visit.
   / Help with buying a horse #70  
Great pictures Spiveyman and nice gelding too! I too have had a couple of opportunities to cruise around Lexington. I say WOW on the fencing and the next statement I say is " must be expensive". LoL Lots of those barns are to die for and yep probabley more then my house. Has anyone ever priced a Morton building:eek: ? Don't go there if you want to feed your family! But hey if you have some spare change, why not!

Again great photo of the pasture and what a great ride it must be! Funny how I thought 10 acres was alot until you start putting horses on it, but I sure love my little piece of heaven and am very greatful.

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