hiller/furrower on grillo tiller

   / hiller/furrower on grillo tiller #1  


Aug 21, 2014
ware, ma
Grillo 107D, Cub Cadet

I have a question about using a hiller/furrower that was given to me. It is the type you can attach to a behind a BCS tiller so you have a furrow after the bed is tilled.

I am wondering, is there is any way to use it with a Grillo tiller? I looked on my tiller and didn't see any way to attach it. Is there some type of adapter I can get?


   / hiller/furrower on grillo tiller #2  
Yes, you need to buy a part to do so. They're right around $20. It's the silver part in the pic. Contact your local Grillo dealer or Earth Tools

   / hiller/furrower on grillo tiller
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Thanks a bunch. We really appreciate your help!

   / hiller/furrower on grillo tiller #4  
Farmerboy, I can't seem to find the Grillo dealers list on earthtools anymore. I searched for 15 mins and zilch. I've seen it before. Do you know where it is? Was it lost in the new website?

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   / hiller/furrower on grillo tiller #5  
Farmerboy, I can't seem to find the Grillo dealers list on earthtools anymore. I searched for 15 mins and zilch. I've seen it before. Do you know where it is? Was it lost in the new website?

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Earth Tools, go to Walk Behind Tractors from the menu on the left. Select Grillo from the tabs along the top. Then look for the "CLICK HERE for a list of Grillo dealers in North America (and the West Indies)." lower on the page. http://earthtoolsbcs.com/static/pdf/Grillo_dealer_list_Aug_2014.pdf
   / hiller/furrower on grillo tiller #6  
Thanks Ford850. It's hard to find. I asked Joel quite a while ago about making it more prominent. Might be time again. The site really isn't much DIFFERENT, just a different look.

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