If boomers are gone; what is made in Georgia?

   / If boomers are gone; what is made in Georgia? #21  
"BTW; Look at the picture below to see what the Boeing union head was refering to. The only parts of the new Boeing 787 made in America is the tail fin and the wing fairings...that's it....(see the reddish areas)"

No, what the graphic says is they are the only parts made by the IAM union of Boeing workers, not the only parts made in America.
   / If boomers are gone; what is made in Georgia? #22  
You took my statements out of context as you failed to read the last line of my post or ignored it.

I was not denigrating the NH employees but bemoaning the situation we have put American workers in today and I was refering to the devestating, increasingly trend in American manufacturing of America being nothing more than a "end line assembly point". And that is fact. To believe otherwise is putting your head in the sand. It is happening in nearly every industry. As the other poster stated when the current "boomers" are dead we will lose the bulk of what manufacturing know how we had.


We have the most productive, educated and hardest working workers of any country in the world.

Sweep, I'm so glad you clarified your position. The choice of words and how something sounds to the reader is often not what the original poster meant. Now, I can say, "GOOD FOR YOU!" You have clarified your position and attitude about these workers. I do believe you unintentionally oversimplified their tasks and abilities. I think from the responses to my post, you can see that others also failed to understand your high regard for American workers. As a matter of fact, the reason I read and responded to your post was because I received a PM from a distressed and disheartened member who felt your comments very personally. It was not only I who misunderstood your statement. Again, thank you for making it clear that you were decrying the loss of manufacturing jobs in the USA. Certainly, now with the closing of the Georgia plant and the move to LS complete tractors, the US jobs are even less.

On the additional topic of the trend toward global sourcing of major assemblies by Boeing, I think we have to realize that producing an aircraft must be done at a profit and also be favorably received/purchased by airlines from around the world. In order to sell to those countries, we may have to allow them to participate as global manufacturers. Certainly, Boeing manufactured parts are fewer in the 787 than previous aircraft, but to compete with Airbus and others, Boeing has to position themselves to be competitive.

When I look at that diagram you posted, I see not only the colored sections you listed, but also the rear fuselage, forward fuselage, engine nacelles, and the fixed and movable wing leading edges are manufactured by U.S. companies. However, if you look at where they get their raw materials and machines, you'd probably find many/most of those coming from outside the U.S. We just need to concentrate on buying "Made in the USA" products when we can to help ensure our job market and economy stays healthy.:)
   / If boomers are gone; what is made in Georgia? #23  
The Boeing picture indeed shows that the company has outsourced virtually all of the systems and parts to cheap labor. It is only by accident, and most likely the cheap labor policies of what is jokingly referred to as "right to work" states that have SOME of the parts made in the USA by workers who will work under Mallwort conditions and on the cheap.