mini tillers opinions

   / mini tillers opinions #21  
I ended up buying the 4 cycle Honda 25cc tiller. Currently it is in the box it arrived in yesterday. Go assemble it and take it for a test run today. I tilled the main ground level beds with the old Craftsman 5.5 hp Briggs and Stratton tiller and the raised beds will be introduced to Honda very soon!
If that little 4 cycle honda is anything like my other Hondas, you will LOVE IT!
   / mini tillers opinions
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I used it yesterday and today and am very happy with the performance. I tried the neighbors mantis 2 cycle before deciding on the Honda and I am glad I did. The neighbor tried mine out and he decided to buy one when his mantis takes a dump.
   / mini tillers opinions #23  
I like Honda products, I own quite a few and I have both brands of mini tillers, the Honda and the Mantis.

IF you have stones, they get stuck in the Honda tines, not so with the Mantis, the Mantis has a little more power, and I don't have to change the oil in the Mantis's 2 stroke motor. I always have gas around for my chainsaws, I use the same gas in my Mantis... (NO E premium)

The Honda is quieter and I tried to like it more, but to be honest, if I had to choose only one, I'd choose the Mantis.

   / mini tillers opinions #24  
If you can figure out how to hang one off a 4x6, post photos
   / mini tillers opinions #25  
I have one of the “string trimmer” tiller attachments. I find it does a great job but is very difficult to use - bounces a ton and with no weight I have a hard time (and get exhausted) just holding it down. Still the best choice I’ve found for my raised beds
   / mini tillers opinions #26  
I use the Ryobi tiller attachment for my weedeater. And I just bought a 40V battery powered power head, so that'll be one less gas engine I have to fiddle with.
   / mini tillers opinions
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I have used battery tools since they came out love their portability when power is not nearby. For many years I built homes and hated extension cords while working on roofs. The problem with battery tools is the batteries die and replacement is the only option at great expense. I prefer some tools to have a powerful motor that will last for many years with minimal maintenance. My craftsman 5.5 HP tiller is 27 years old and took 2 pulls to start the other day. I haven't spent more than the price of 2 batteries? to run the thing in 27 years. I'm not abandoning fossil fuel loving tools just yet!
   / mini tillers opinions #28  
Viking just thought I’d mention I bought the Honda about 5 years ago and consider it one of my best tool purchases. Only thing about it is that mine is on its third carburetor. Not a big deal, since a complete carb is only about $20. First one went after about 2 years when the primer bulb split and I found no carb parts were available. Second carbnever really ran right. Last summer I got disgusted with it and replaced that second carb with a new one and it’s running great again.
   / mini tillers opinions #29  
I've been looking at small 6-10" wide models for raised beds and between rows. I bought a Teraforce ER062 for when the entire garden is restarted and for food plots a few weeks ago. While at the equipment place I saw an Echo mini tiller/cultivator and inquired about it and if they had the type that goes on an string trimmer power unit. Salesman advised against the latter as they are difficult to get any depth and are always pulling on you more. He did like the echo and recommended it. Decided I'd pass at that time and do some more research.

Fast forward to this past Saturday, I rented a Mantis 4-cycle from HD to go between the rows and around the raised beds and to try one out. I was surprised how light it was and how fast it worked. It did start stalling out at WOT after 20 minutes. I'd either have to let it idle a minute or just run at 7/8 throttle. I was done and had it back to HD in about 90 minutes. Now I'm not sure if buying one is necessary (would be more convenient) or just rent as needed, except it did take a while Saturday before one was back to rent. Right now very few are available like everything else, so will probably wait until fall or winter and hopefully have more choices and better prices. Nothing used I'd consider buying has been listed.
   / mini tillers opinions #30  
I just bought a Honda FG110 and it's great. You can pull off the outer tines to cultivate between narrow rows. Not as loud as the 2 cycle Mantis I used to have. Don't even need hearing protection. I'm looking forward to using this to keep the weeds knocked down this season.

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