Need help for sick cow

   / Need help for sick cow #31  
The most likely cause of wt loss and diarrhea in that steer is intestinal parasites. Ostertagia (brown stomach worm) is usually the offender. You should deworm this steer with Ivomec Plus (1ml / 100 lbs SQ). In fact, you should deworm all the cattle at least twice per year, especially if your pasture is a bit overgrazed. You can get Ivomec Plus at most any farm supply store. Other possibilities are Coccidiosis, Johne's and Leukosis, the latter 2 which have no cure. If you were to have coccidiosis, you would need to drench the steer daily for 5 days with Corid (5ml / 100 lbs). If you could take a fecal sample to the vet, you could get a certain diagnosis of stomach worms or coccidiosis at a relatively low cost (probably less than $35. The sooner the better. good luck
   / Need help for sick cow #32  
All should note that this thread was started in 2007 then was dormant until just recently when goldilox posted a NEW problem.... thus, this is a new thread riding on an OLD one.