Need suggestions on seeding bermuda over a large area.

   / Need suggestions on seeding bermuda over a large area. #1  


New member
Aug 10, 2014
Denison, Tx
Kubota L3800
I have an area approx 1 acre in size (new fill dirt) that needs to be seeded with bermuda.

So far I have:
Had a soil test done, and will be following those recommendations
Soil is weed free, and has been tilled and leveled

Most of the instructions relate to smaller areas......till, level, roll, seed, hand rake, etc

For equipment I have a Kubota L3800 w/FEL, 6' tiller, and box blade.

I need thoughts/suggestions on how to seed this area for the best results.
Thanks for any/all help!!
   / Need suggestions on seeding bermuda over a large area. #2  
get the area tilled , not real deep so its easier to keep level and packed . 1 acre is easy enough to do by hand with a small spreader . Need to roll it or just use the tractor to pack the whole area real good and keep it wet. I
   / Need suggestions on seeding bermuda over a large area. #3  
Spread it and ten go over it with a chain harrow (chain link fence wire will work) then roll it with a packer.

Fertilize it and spread straw or hay over it and water.

One acre can be done by hand.

Keep water on it especially in Texas.
   / Need suggestions on seeding bermuda over a large area.
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get the area tilled , not real deep so its easier to keep level and packed . 1 acre is easy enough to do by hand with a small spreader . Need to roll it or just use the tractor to pack the whole area real good and keep it wet. I

How do I get the seed covered with the proper amount of soil?
   / Need suggestions on seeding bermuda over a large area. #5  
How do I get the seed covered with the proper amount of soil?

if its tilled properly. the seed will settle when you roll it. if you keep it moist it will germinate . grass seed only needs contact with the soil.
   / Need suggestions on seeding bermuda over a large area. #6  
Bermuda seed is very very small. First thing you need to do is find a source that will sell you pure seed and not a lot of filler like they do at the box stores. I get mine for a feed store that sells it by the pound. They have an open 50 pound sack of hulled or unhulled seed to chose from. Temps are good now for hulled seed. That means it will start growing faster because you don't have to wait for the hull to rot off. It also means that conditions need to be ideal and you will need to make sure there is enough water in the soil for the seed to sprout.

Bermuda is very easy to get going. You really don't have to do too much. I wouldn't fertilize or amend the soil until it's established. It's too easy to harm the seed with the fertilizer.

To spread it, you can use a spreader, but you will need to add your own filler. Dry sand works good for this. Mix your seed about with the sand anywhere from 10% seed on up depending on how much coverage you get out of your spreader. A little seed goes a very long way. Plus it spreads out once it gets going!!!

I like to spread my seed just before a storm is about to hit. The storm will bury the seed. It never washes away. I never drag over the seed or do anything after I've spread the seed. Mother Nature already has it all worked out.
   / Need suggestions on seeding bermuda over a large area. #7  
i have had the best luck with most any seed, wheat, oats, clover, warm season, alfalfa, ( cool season grasses ), bluegrass, fescues, pasture mix, by tilling/broadcast seeder ( usually a bag hand crank ) and then driving over it as suggested above or rolling it in with a lawn roller. I rarely mulch it with straw but have and depending on whether or not i can water it will give much better results. Most of mine are food plots so i dont have water out in the fields.

With it being a yard area watering should be a huge help and it should take right off - regarding yard - around here with fescues, it will take you about 3 yrs to have a wonderful thick good yard. Dont get me wrong you will have grass and it will be ok but a true thick plush amazing yard in missouri takes about 3 yrs to mature well from my experience due to winter loss, weather stress, weed issues etc.....