Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences?

   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #51  
If you where buying a house and it had a metal roof on it, would you still buy it if you found out they had put the metal on over existing shingles? I wouldn't.

If you are nailing or screwing purlins on over the shingles, how far do you want them to go into the rafters? Is one inch enough? I don't think so.

Would you be comfortable with your purlins being attached to the half inch plywood or 7/16 OSB? I'm not

If you just received a huge tax return, would you spend the extra money on stripping off the shingles? I would.

My though is that I would do it as good as I knew how.

   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #52  
If you where buying a house and it had a metal roof on it, would you still buy it if you found out they had put the metal on over existing shingles? I wouldn't.

If you are nailing or screwing purlins on over the shingles, how far do you want them to go into the rafters? Is one inch enough? I don't think so.

Would you be comfortable with your purlins being attached to the half inch plywood or 7/16 OSB? I'm not

If you just received a huge tax return, would you spend the extra money on stripping off the shingles? I would.

My though is that I would do it as good as I knew how.


I like your thinking, Eddie. Most contractors I know only want quick money, the easy way is their way. I am considering a metal roof on the house, and I figure I want to do the best possible job on it.
   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #53  
I bid the job on how long I think it's going to take. The client can accept it or go with the other guys. I'm usually the most expensive, and as of right now, I'm booked up until September. If it's something cosmetic, I usually don't say anything, but if I feel it's a structural issue, I wont do it if I don't think it will last. Word of mouth is too important to me to do a job just to make a buck, especially since I'm at that point where I can be picky in what I do and walk away from those jobs that I think I'm not the right person for, or the client is wanting something done that I'm not comfortable with. I turned down more jobs then I agree to do.

   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #54  
If you where buying a house and it had a metal roof on it, would you still buy it if you found out they had put the metal on over existing shingles? I wouldn't.
I would, but I would drop my offer enough to pay for a roof replacement (and let the seller know why).

Aaron Z
   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #55  
Here is pic of roof we just put on our new house last summer. Was going to go with a screwed down,"strong panel" type,but got talked into standing seam by my brother,real easy for him to spend my money. IMG_20130817_123650_496(1).jpg
   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #56  
The main part of my barn is 56 feet wide with about a 4/12 pitch so that makes for some long sheet of tin. The purlins are a full 2x4 having been milled out of poplar from on site trees. Like already mentioned by others, the roof makes a lot of noise when it expands and contracts.

Who would have thought that the builder (and I use that term generously in this case) would have used only 3/4 inch screws to hold the tin down? Every time I get a leak, I replace the screw with longer ones. I don't know that I will ever get them all done, lol!
   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #57  
I bid the job on how long I think it's going to take. The client can accept it or go with the other guys. I'm usually the most expensive, and as of right now, I'm booked up until September. If it's something cosmetic, I usually don't say anything, but if I feel it's a structural issue, I wont do it if I don't think it will last. Word of mouth is too important to me to do a job just to make a buck, especially since I'm at that point where I can be picky in what I do and walk away from those jobs that I think I'm not the right person for, or the client is wanting something done that I'm not comfortable with. I turned down more jobs then I agree to do.

Eddie, I like your ethic and foresight. Many years ago I worked for an excavating contractor. We had a client that wanted us to backfill a cinder block foundation some fifteen feet high with no wire and no pilasters. My boss advise against it but the client insisted so against the boss's better judgement we backfilled it.

We did alot of handwork to bring the soil up to ground level, never getting close to the foundation. That night it rained hard and guess what? The wall blew. The client took us to court and lost of course but my boss never again went against his better judgement.
   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #58  
I have put 5V Galvalume on every structure I have built for the last 20 years. This is everything from a 3300 sqft beachfront house to a wood shed and everything in between. I put the screws on the flats per the manufacturers instructions. I have yet to have a leak of any kind or need any kind of repair. I put the roof on myself and drive every screw myself.

They all still look and function great. I am sticking with metal!
   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #59  
The main part of my barn is 56 feet wide with about a 4/12 pitch so that makes for some long sheet of tin. The purlins are a full 2x4 having been milled out of poplar from on site trees. Like already mentioned by others, the roof makes a lot of noise when it expands and contracts.

Who would have thought that the builder (and I use that term generously in this case) would have used only 3/4 inch screws to hold the tin down? Every time I get a leak, I replace the screw with longer ones. I don't know that I will ever get them all done, lol!

A friend of mine did that...... What happened when all the screws were replaced ????????? The long screws held.... The panels had elongated holes ripped in them....... The sheet rock on the ceiling got soaked with the next rain and fell .....

Up until now the screws just pulled and that saved the panels from ripping.... When steel wants to expand, you have to let it.... Trying to stop it just don't work.....

To save your roof, cut the 56' panel into 4 each 14' panels.... overlap 6" or so and refasten down... get some extra panels and add the needed length on the peak to fill the gap from shortening the panels...... AND DO NOT PUT SCREWS IN TO HOLD THE PANELS TOGETHER.... LET THE PANELS OVERLAP AND SLIDE UP AND DOWN WITH THE TEMPERATURE.....

Metal Roofing Expansion Joint Design.jpg
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   / Replace traditional shingled roof with metal roof? Experiences? #60  
The building is 56' wide with a peaked roof. I would have to dig out my old trig books to do the math on 28' feet at a 4/12 pitch but the panels are still long. I see what your saying about the expansion tearing the metal.

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