/ TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,381  
Nice tractor Edward. We don't get to see many that size.
Thank you!
EdwardS--That is one sweet tractor.
What do you do with it and what are it's primary uses?
Disking with a JD 673 Tandem Disk measured out to exactly 15' at the rear end need a little bit more power though maybe 15hp, Rototilling with a Maschio C250 but it can take more. Chisel Plowing, Hauling 22' Farm wagons. Tractor has 125HP Engine, 103 HP on the PTO and +15 HP Boost on the engine. But I want more! :D:thumbsup:
Man, that's a sweet machine!
Thanks! It is a sweet machine.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,382  
Here are the pictures from yesterday, it was too dark when I finished digging tonight to get pictures.


   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,383  
Looks cold, how many degrees was it when you were trenching? Last time I had snow was back in December, and it washed away on the same day, about an inch then followed by rain the next hour.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,384  
I got out & moved some wood to prepare for a brush fire I HOPE to have if we get some snow before Saturday!! I moved some pine to sit on around the fire!! Crossing my fingers!


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   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,385  
I got out for about an hour moving some big pieces of pine for people to sit on. I'm praying for snow here in SW NH as last weeks rain ruined all of ours & I have 20+ people invited over for a brush burning party on Saturday!! I'm being optimistic!!

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,386  
Looks cold, how many degrees was it when you were trenching? Last time I had snow was back in December, and it washed away on the same day, about an inch then followed by rain the next hour.

First day was only about 10* but the next day was up around 20 - 24, it was a nice day for digging!
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,387  
First day was only about 10* but the next day was up around 20 - 24, it was a nice day for digging!
Easier on the backhoe too because the dirt is all frozen up!
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,388  
I was actually surprised the ground was only frozen about 4" or so. The backhoe went through it easily and then just pealed up the frozen layer. It hasn't been super cold for extended periods but I expected the ground to be frozen deeper.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #2,390  
I suspect there will be some seat time with the massive snow storm that is happening. Here on the east cost of Canada I will wake up to a storm that will produce 40 cm (about 15 inches). Have fun

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