TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse

   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse #1  


New member
Sep 28, 2018
Stillwater, MN
New Holland TZ18DA
My 2004 TZ18DA quit running while using it and it was completely dead. Fuse #3, a 25amp, was blown. I replaced fuse, turned the key to first position and the fuse blew. Fuse #3 protects the instrument panel, turn signals, safety start circuit, fuel pump and HST cruise control. I want to repair the problem myself but I have limited knowledge repairing this tractor mainly because it's been good for 14 years. Can someone start me in the right direction?
   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse #2  
Normally a fuse blowing that quickly is sign of dead short. A wire probably has worn thru somewhere. Check seat switch wire as this could get pinched. check wires around turn signals. You may have to remove instrument panel to look for bad wire. Could be a rodent did some chewing. What were you doing when it quit? That would be where I begin. Did you set cruise to on when it quit. This may help. Sorry to say, you will have to trace wires from fuse block back to find where short is. Starter switch could be culprit also.
If you have a helper, you could expose as many panels as possible, use a larger fuse, be in a dark area and momentarily hit key while watching for a "spark" or flash. Good luck. Check fuel pump to make sure it has not shorted out.
   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse
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Normally a fuse blowing that quickly is sign of dead short. A wire probably has worn thru somewhere. Check seat switch wire as this could get pinched. check wires around turn signals. You may have to remove instrument panel to look for bad wire. Could be a rodent did some chewing. What were you doing when it quit? That would be where I begin. Did you set cruise to on when it quit. This may help. Sorry to say, you will have to trace wires from fuse block back to find where short is. Starter switch could be culprit also.
If you have a helper, you could expose as many panels as possible, use a larger fuse, be in a dark area and momentarily hit key while watching for a "spark" or flash. Good luck. Check fuel pump to make sure it has not shorted out.

Thank you. You have stated some good tips.
   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse #4  
Connect a light bulb to the fuse contacts. When you turn on the key, the bulb will turn on.

Rule out the consumers that are easy to get to first, I suppose the fuel pump and cruise control in this case:
Disconnect the wires/connectors at the consumers, one by one, and watch the bulb. If it goes out, you have found the problem.
If nothing happens at the bulb, you need to dig into the wiring:
Locate the wires at the fuse, disconnect one connector and watch the bulb. If the bulb is still on after a disconnection, leave that connection open and disconnect a connection on another wire and repeat until the bulb goes out.
If the bulb goes out, you know that you have a problem down that line. Reconnect this connector and keep disconnecting/reconnecting down the line in question to find the short circuit. When you have found it, let this part be disconnected and reconnect the connectors that you have left open at the fuse box. Watch the bulb as you do this to make sure that there is not another short circuit somewhere in the other lines.

Now you have isolated the problem and can replace the fuse, the other parts of the system will work while you fix the problem.

Use enough long wires for the bulb, so you can place it were it can be seen when you are doing the testing.
   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse
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Connect a light bulb to the fuse contacts. When you turn on the key, the bulb will turn on.

Rule out the consumers that are easy to get to first, I suppose the fuel pump and cruise control in this case:
Disconnect the wires/connectors at the consumers, one by one, and watch the bulb. If it goes out, you have found the problem.
If nothing happens at the bulb, you need to dig into the wiring:
Locate the wires at the fuse, disconnect one connector and watch the bulb. If the bulb is still on after a disconnection, leave that connection open and disconnect a connection on another wire and repeat until the bulb goes out.
If the bulb goes out, you know that you have a problem down that line. Reconnect this connector and keep disconnecting/reconnecting down the line in question to find the short circuit. When you have found it, let this part be disconnected and reconnect the connectors that you have left open at the fuse box. Watch the bulb as you do this to make sure that there is not another short circuit somewhere in the other lines.

Now you have isolated the problem and can replace the fuse, the other parts of the system will work while you fix the problem.

Use enough long wires for the bulb, so you can place it were it can be seen when you are doing the testing.

Thank you for your suggestions. I have looked at the wiring closely but I didn't see anything wrong. Your system using the light bulb should help be a good way to identify a problem.
   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse
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any updates?
I am away from home for a while. Lucky for me I didn't need to use the tractor for snow removal prior to leaving. Thanks again for your input.
   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse #8  
My TZ18DA has the same problem now. Where did you find your specific issue?
   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse #9  
I have the same problem with ma tz24da , has anyone solved their problem
   / TZ18DA Blowing 25amp Fuse #10  
No one replied to you and I know bumping an old post usually not loved... but..

When I acquired my unloved tz the wiring had been chewed by rodents like it's made of candy... Take the center console out and look back there for chewed wires that are shorting to the body.

The rubber on the wiring must be "organic / Soy based" mice seem to love it.

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