Dirt Moving What do I need to make a wildlife food plot?

   / What do I need to make a wildlife food plot? #11  
No problem. The first challenge with anything is figuring out what questions you need to ask.

The Google site search (or go to Google & type in "insite: tractorbynet.com" in front of your search terms) works far better than the forum search function. Or almost any forum for that matter.

When I started the repair for my 2+ acres of pasture I was in the same boat. I ended up plowing with a $150 subsoiler then following with a tiller. Broadcast seed & drag to cover. I only wish I'd had a packer of some kind as my tire tracks came in better than the rest.

A drill after tilling or even better no-till seeding & not tilling might have been better, but the rental at the local conservation office was all booked up & my L3200 would have been marginal to pull it anyway.