what should go in a trailer toolbox

   / what should go in a trailer toolbox #11  
Being so close to canada here we need both kinds of wrenches! I still can't find my metric channel locks or vise grips..... And my 3 pt hitch is a 4.75 point hitch up there!

On a slightly off topic comment about canada and metrics, if it's for personal use, inches and feet still rule. If it's a government project, it's metres (not meters) and litres (not liters). Drives architects and builders batty i'd guess.
   / what should go in a trailer toolbox #12  
Stevepio mentioned a pry bar - I always carry what I've always called a crow bar (might be the same thing as he had in mind). It's a 5 to 6 foot long heavy steel bar that comes in real handy for helping to line up 3 point implements or any time you need some extra leverage... I completely agree with everything else mentioned also. You can't bring too many tools...
   / what should go in a trailer toolbox #13  
WVBill and stevepio, very very funny.
   / what should go in a trailer toolbox #14  
Ir is amazing the turns a post takes as readers respond to a post. We were in Canada this july and in the food stores, meteric and english measures were used. Our friends lived in a new housing development and open houses were going on, we went to them and lot sizes were in meteric, but everything else was in square feet. Interesting. When asked about it, was told Canada maybe metric but important things are still done in english them convert to meteric for offical records. By the way how many knew that the inch was the wifth of the kings thumb and the foot was the lenght of the soilders foot.
Dan L
   / what should go in a trailer toolbox #15  
I already keep a set of tools, fuses, light bulbs, water, etc in my truck. My truck also has several tow straps, rope ratchets, and 2" ratchet straps.

Trailer Tool Box: 3-4" straps (ratchets welded to trailer), ratchet handle, strap protectors, 30W Rotella Oil, 90W Oil, 3 Grade 70 3/8" chains (15-20 feet), 2 load binders, 2 ratchet binders, spare tractor key, jumper cables, blitz can spout.

Tractor tool box: Linesman plires (to cut out barbed wire), 8 and 12" cressent wrench, needle nose pliers, channel lock plires, screwdrivers, vise grips, piece of wire, spare shear bolts.

When I get the JD 5310, I will have more room in the tool box and will probally add either a set of end wrenches, or 1/2 ratchet and std depth sockets.

Mounted on tractor: Fire extingusher and claw hammer.