ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW

   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW #31  
Here’s a photo showing the chutes on a 326 and 331. The 1211 in the background didn’t have one installed yet, but does now.
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW
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Here’s a photo showing the chutes on a 326 and 331. The 1211 in the background didn’t have one installed yet, but does now.
View attachment 703008
Does the lever get in the way? How hard was it drilling the holes in that thick deck?
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW #33  
Does the lever get in the way? How hard was it drilling the holes in that thick deck?

The handle doesn't get in my way, but it would make it harder to get on the mower from the right side. The drilling wasn't particularly difficult, and the install takes maybe 60 minutes or so taking time to plan the holes etc...
I positioned the gate and spacers for best fit, then center punched through the spacers to mark the holes for drilling.

I will say that it's a long reach to operate the gate on my 72" deck, but I got used to it.
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW
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The handle doesn't get in my way, but it would make it harder to get on the mower from the right side. The drilling wasn't particularly difficult, and the install takes maybe 60 minutes or so taking time to plan the holes etc...
I positioned the gate and spacers for best fit, then center punched through the spacers to mark the holes for drilling.

I will say that it's a long reach to operate the gate on my 72" deck, but I got used to it.
I can't find enough info on the OEM Kubota brand. The ACS has plenty of info although it's very hard to decifer which one fits my mower. I wanted to have it ordered in time to install on my mower but doesn't look like it will happen. Guess I'll call them to verify the correct one.
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW
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I was worried about not getting the dual fuel tanks at first. So for comparison on fuel usage. My Badboy had a 6.5 gal capacity and the Kubota has 6.1 gal.Normally I could empty a 5 gallon jug after mowing with the Badboy.. This is how much I used this morning mowing.

Pretty impressive machine.
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW #36  
Last question, how many of you with the ZD are strictly residential? Would it be considered an overkill?
I’m strictly residential with 4 acres of lawn. I purchased the ZD1212 with the 60” deck because my lawns bit rough. My last mowing I used 0.929 gph cutting 1-1/4~2.0 inches.
It’s certainly overkill for me but diesel is easier I have bulk fuel with a pump.
I look forward to each cutting, pricey yes but it makes me happy.
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW
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I’m strictly residential with 4 acres of lawn. I purchased the ZD1212 with the 60” deck because my lawns bit rough. My last mowing I used 0.929 gph cutting 1-1/4~2.0 inches.
It’s certainly overkill for me but diesel is easier I have bulk fuel with a pump.
I look forward to each cutting, pricey yes but it makes me happy.
I have been impressed. Glad I spent the extra money on the diesel.
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW #38  
Commercial mowers in our area say the ZD's run a full day on one tank and they have to carry extra gas for those units to run a day. WE do have a ZD out that is over 7500 hours of commercial and is now mowing a 7 acre home lot. Three belts on the deck with two by twigs and one when his operator didn't stop when the deck gearbox lost it's oil seal. That was at 7,250 hours. Incredible machines that will out last the bulk of the owners.
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW #39  
I did a fuel consumption test on My new 60” ZD1211 which just turned 100 hours.
I recorded 0.93 gph over 4 hours mowing my lawn at 1.5 inches which was over due for a mowing.
The engine was working hard & bogging down at times.
Diesel is definitely more fuel efficient with less fuel handling.
One of my reasons to go diesel was to eliminate the fuel hauling & filling task. My shoulders did not like handling the containers plus with a diesel tank & pump on site it was a no brainer.
Don’t know if I’ve ever heard of someone regretting going diesel.
   / ZD1011 Fuel Consumption and Compare to Z724KW #40  
I have no experience with Kubota's chute blocker, but the Advanced Chute Systems works great on my ZD326 and 1211. I wouldn't be without one.
Pros :
-I can close or partially close the chute to prevent grass from plastering objects, or getting into flower beds. Even with close attention to my pattern there is always the occasion where I'm throwing the wrong way.
- 99% of the time I'm mowing with the chute wide open, dispersing clippings better than with a standard non adjustable chute.
- They're great at mulching leaves in the fall

- Not cheap!
- With the chute closed, they leave a noticable windrow, so I have to go back over the row eventually.
I have a mulch kit where I have to bolt in a plate to block the outlet. I only use this during the fall after I change to mulching blades.

Other than that I cut a hole near the edge of the plastic chute cover and use a bungee cord (with a hook on each end) to keep it open when I need it.

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