Tractor pictures

   / Tractor pictures
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Possibly snow here on sunday and next week. I did find out tonight that the neighbors shop has burned down on Tursday. He lost everything, his truck, his motorhome, his tractor, His atvs, His nice tools, his gym upstairs.:( Were going to go see it tomarrow, i guess if he needs a tractor to borrow, mine is available.:D I guess I wont be borrowing his tractor to grade the road this weekend.:(
   / Tractor pictures #133  
Possibly snow here on sunday and next week. I did find out tonight that the neighbors shop has burned down on Tursday. He lost everything, his truck, his motorhome, his tractor, His atvs, His nice tools, his gym upstairs.:( Were going to go see it tomarrow, i guess if he needs a tractor to borrow, mine is available.:D I guess I wont be borrowing his tractor to grade the road this weekend.:(

Ouch -- I feel his pain.
   / Tractor pictures
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Well, went to see his shop, which was more of a man cave this morning. It is a huge loss. His tractor, truck, quads, motorcycles, gym, pool table, motor home, lawn tractor, and everything else is toast. I did take some pictures but they cant be uploaded onto this computer. There are only a handful of things that can be salvaged but everything else is just scrap metal. They also lost one of their dogs in the fire, it was on the deck and couldnt get down. the other dog jumped off the 2 story deck and is in pain from the landing and burns. It is a very sad site, we are going to go back over tonight, im gonna let the neighbor know he can use my equippment anytime since he was so generous with his stuff. I did have my eye on his rototiller attached to the tractor since it was only missing the paint. would it be saveable? It is just a very emotional area to go to right now.
   / Tractor pictures #135  
Jake, do make the offer of your assistance. We have a saying around these parts. Neighbors help neighbors. Good for you.
   / Tractor pictures #136  
Jake : ...real sorry to hear of your neighbour's terrible loss. So many items lost, I hope he had "some" insurance to help out! It always yanks my heart strings when animals are involved in a fire. The heat must have been bad for the one to dive off the deck,...that's a long drop for a dog, (or anyone!!)

Dog likely has pretty sore ribs, if not cracked or broken and its a wonder the jaw isn't broken also,..the lower mandible (jaw) generally takes a heck of a smack on landing hard like that! I feel bad for the one that couldn't make the jump!!

You're a good lad Jake,...very kind and thoughtful of you to consider lending a hand, (or a tractor) to a neighbour friend in need. He must be in need of some prayers right about now I would think. These things generally happen for a reason,....even though it's pretty doggone difficult to come up with any kind of a reason,...good or bad,..........but for every ending, there seems to be a new beginning. It often takes a while to realize just what that new beginning is,....but it will eventually be quite obvious!!! (Take it from an old guy who has seen some "endings",....and eventually the new "beginnings" as promised)

. . tug
   / Tractor pictures
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I guess he has insurance for most of the stuff he lost, tractor, truck, and RV. I have some pictures on another computer that I could upload tomarrow. It is a very sad place to go, when I was taking the pictures, some were blury since I couldnt stop shaking, from the cold and the thought that a few days ago there was a nice mancave there. I feel bad for his other dog who jumped off the pourch, it landed on its feet but hurt its hips on the landing. The fire was so hot that his little toyota 75 feet away was steaming, so he got in it and backed it down his driveway before it caught fire. Also, we have been in what the news calls an "arctic blast" where the tempatures stay under 32* for a high yet the building is still smoldering today due to all the hot metal. Thinking about it, i was the last person to drive his tractor. When i last used his tractor, I wanted to park it in his other shed but his car and boat were in the way. I do also have pictures of the tractor before he lost it. It was the last time it ran. It is very sad. i offered my tractor to him if he needs to use it while he doesnt have one. He says that hopefully that insurance will get him a similar tractor soon.
   / Tractor pictures #138  
I guess he has insurance for most of the stuff he lost, tractor, truck, and RV. I have some pictures on another computer that I could upload tomarrow. It is a very sad place to go, when I was taking the pictures, some were blury since I couldnt stop shaking, from the cold and the thought that a few days ago there was a nice mancave there. I feel bad for his other dog who jumped off the pourch, it landed on its feet but hurt its hips on the landing. The fire was so hot that his little toyota 75 feet away was steaming, so he got in it and backed it down his driveway before it caught fire. Also, we have been in what the news calls an "arctic blast" where the tempatures stay under 32* for a high yet the building is still smoldering today due to all the hot metal. Thinking about it, i was the last person to drive his tractor. When i last used his tractor, I wanted to park it in his other shed but his car and boat were in the way. I do also have pictures of the tractor before he lost it. It was the last time it ran. It is very sad. i offered my tractor to him if he needs to use it while he doesnt have one. He says that hopefully that insurance will get him a similar tractor soon.

Let him know that we all feel his pain and that our thoughts and prayers are with him.
   / Tractor pictures #139  
Here's a few pictures of my CK25HST with my home built cab.:)


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