On the farm, if you had only one tool what would it be?

   / On the farm, if you had only one tool what would it be? #13  
whatever you really need at the time you need it.thats the best tool on the farm.but few of us can afford those.
   / On the farm, if you had only one tool what would it be? #14  
I would take the Tractor, welder, every implement there is, including a backhoe, A rifle ( a big, very accurate one, tested and certified....sniper rifle, Carlos Hathcock"s rifle.... yea. that one.) A big, strong, smart, pretty woman....well endowed.........did I say young? Well I want a young one!
I would also take an axe, a chainsaw, a wood splitter and a saw mill, 2 travel trailors, fully equipped, everything I need to fix the tractor, including a subfloor hydraulic lift, A 1 ton 4wd truck ...... no.....2, 1 ton 4 wheel drive trucks, diesel trucks and 100,000 gal tank filled with diesel...... not off road diesel either, I want the good stuff. 1000 lbs of nails and a 4000 lbs of hardware.......assorted.
an air compressor, and.... another welder, a portable welder.
A trackhoe....xtra large....with an unlimited lifetime warranty.
A genie in a bottle with unlimited wishes.
5 million dollars ...tax free....
I'm done....for now
   / On the farm, if you had only one tool what would it be? #16  
   / On the farm, if you had only one tool what would it be? #17  
It'd have to be one of them three D printers for me.:D
   / On the farm, if you had only one tool what would it be? #18  
   / On the farm, if you had only one tool what would it be? #19  
Assuming this is a riddle, and not just a silly question because Desert Bred has been out in the sun too long, :laughing: the answer is: a key.

The key to the equipment shed.
   / On the farm, if you had only one tool what would it be? #20  