Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #16,371  
It was way fun! Only the fish that nature supplies will be in it. If I can get a solar pump on the pond it will be used for irrigation for my old garden which is about 300 yards away.
We had a good hatch of Goldfish this year in our Garden Pond. Want me to bring some down to you? :D
   / Good morning!!!! #16,372  
Ron, going to drain the motorhome fresh water today, hope I'm not too late. Been a bit distracted...
Better blow the line out with 30 to 40 psi of air. We are looking at the teen's for overnight temperatures this coming weekend. You cannot be far behind with similar temperatures.
   / Good morning!!!! #16,376  
Good Morning. 0710, overcast, 52* with 90% humidity. Forecast high of 72* and mostly cloudy. No real plans for the day. I will just take it as it comes. But I had better enjoy the quiet whie I can. I have a piano recital in one end of the building, and the Pee-Wee and Tiny Mite cheerleader banquet at the other end at work tonight.:eek: Oh well, that is what noise reducing head phones are for. Everyone have a good day.

   / Good morning!!!! #16,377  
Good Morning. 0710, overcast, 52* with 90% humidity. Forecast high of 72* and mostly cloudy. No real plans for the day. I will just take it as it comes. But I had better enjoy the quiet whie I can. I have a piano recital in one end of the building, and the Pee-Wee and Tiny Mite cheerleader banquet at the other end at work tonight.:eek: Oh well, that is what noise reducing head phones are for. Everyone have a good day.


Larro, you are in for it. It is an unwritten law of nature that when more than three little girls are in the same spot, they have to scream and shriek. :laughing:

The piano recital, if it's not beginners, could be good.
   / Good morning!!!! #16,378  
Good Morning! The roar woke me up early. It turned out to be a quickie shower on the metal roof.
I was hoping to plant rye grass on reworked eroded slope of the spring pond yesterday but it got too late. I ran across 3 more spring areas as I was cutting the hill - the tractor tire just sunk and the ground under it was like wet quick sand. My attempt was to divert the run-off water and sand. I'll be able to check it out this week end with rain in the forecast.

Don, you've got some good terraced swales, but the inside next to the mound will silt in pretty quickly. Do you have any source of rock? Some nice 4" to 6" rip-rap would sure make that more functional and hold whatcha got with the sand.
   / Good morning!!!! #16,379  
Only the fish that nature supplies will be in it

now this I have to see, and pictures too....
do Texan fish have boots and walk?:D
how are they gonna get there?

Ron, remember the picture of me cleaning out the 5' of mud 2 years ago on my other pond. It is the first pond draining the top of the hill - no overflow from another pond. I put no fish in it and now the perch are 6" long. "They" say that the big herons (white and blue) bring the fish eggs over on their feet.

Jim, good idea on the rock!
   / Good morning!!!! #16,380  
Good morning all. 49F going to 51F rain today .1 in yesterday. Lost cable for about 2 hours yesterday, telephone pole failed (saw a flash and smoke) was working when I got home but was down during the cut over to new wire. No power loss. Have to go into work today :(