Epic Contributor
My pines( Ponderosa ) will root down to the bedrock. Usually around 2' to 3'. Then the roots fan out in all directions. The really big ones can have roots out as far as 100' from the main trunk. I've got a very few ancient pines - 38" on the butt - dead and still standing after over 38 years. They were dead when we got here in '82. The root system has not rotted out and is still holding them up.
There aren't many of these left. I've gone around and fell them. I want them to come down when I want - no surprises during a wind storm.
I had a 41 inch one fall in a storm about six years ago. It fell about 40 feet from where I was with the tractor. Not a pleasant surprise.
View attachment 595662 A ten foot chunk of one that was 40" on the butt.
There aren't many of these left. I've gone around and fell them. I want them to come down when I want - no surprises during a wind storm.
I had a 41 inch one fall in a storm about six years ago. It fell about 40 feet from where I was with the tractor. Not a pleasant surprise.
View attachment 595662 A ten foot chunk of one that was 40" on the butt.