You Know You Are Old When

   / You Know You Are Old When #871  
I stopped wearing wristwatches when I started carrying a cell phone. One clock is enough. ;)
I get the part about not needing a watch when you have a cell phone, but I only turn mine on when not at home. Got in that habit when airtime cost me $400.00 per month in the early 1990's
   / You Know You Are Old When #876  
I got one!
I know I’m old when I’m probably in the top ten,old guys or even top five old guys on this thread!
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   / You Know You Are Old When #878  
I was a kid when my Grandmother admitted Dad, oldest of three, was born out of wedlock. She changed the date by several months.
Dad said all these years and I've been reading the wrong horoscope.
You know what they say...the first baby can come at any time, all the rest take 9 months. :LOL:
   / You Know You Are Old When #879  
I stopped wearing a watch years ago. I found that with one on, my hand got cold faster in winter. Every device that I use has a clock; these days I might have 4 of those when I go into the woods. My schedule is mainly dictated by daylight this time of year anyways, so knowing the time isn't that important.

The only time I ever wore a watch was back in the 70s/early 80s when I had a job that entailed a lot of travel. Nice to know the time when you're trying to catch a flight. Back then, car clocks were the exception. Always hated wearing any sort of jewelery, that includes watches.
I've been mostly retired now for the last 12 years, so it's not that important what time it is.
   / You Know You Are Old When #880  
I think somewhere in my stuff, I have a pocket protector from . my days at Purdue, where I carried pens and drafting pencils, like all proper nerds did back then.
When I was in high school it was a fad to carry your pen/pencil in your back pocket, wedged in next to your wallet and that's just stuck with me thru the years. Always found it annoying to have pens, etc. in a shirt pocket. Seemed every time you'd bend over they'd fall out.