200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ??

   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #61  

In this day and age it's not acceptable but when I was younger I remember towns spraying the back roads with waste oil to keep the dust down. Over the years technology and knowledge has put the Kabosh to that which is a good thing. Since I was born the population doubled and eventually all the Natural resources will be used up, clean water will be a thing of the past and the Ozone will fry everyone. Things are degrading at a quick rate and people should be aware of that. In 2 or 300 years I imagine everything will be a hot concrete Jungle but I do dispose of my oil and waste products appropriately and hope everyone else does the same. Every little bit helps. I enjoyed growing up in my generation....Hopefully there will be many good years left of Mother Earth. The rant felt good.... Thanks for letting me vent.
   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #62  
Yep.. I worry about the carrying capacity of theis planet... The japanese are the only people who's population is not growing.

Our resources are finite, and our need is growing... got to use what we got.. the best we reasonable can.

   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #63  
I just e-mailed a copy of this thread to the present administration, I'm sure the DU pollution of the middle east will come to a screeching halt any day now. :D
   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #64  
Who puts batteries in the garbage can? That is worse than pouring the engine/hydro oil in the local river.

Had to add my two cents. :)
   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #65  
Soundguy said:
Yep.. I worry about the carrying capacity of theis planet... The japanese are the only people who's population is not growing.

Our resources are finite, and our need is growing... got to use what we got.. the best we reasonable can.


THe US of A has a bigger issue with illegal population growth with our resources.
   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #66  
I kinda lump polution handling, including refuse along with resource managment. But yeah.. there are alot of problems.. and few soloutions.. especially when there are 'not-me' poluters out there that figure they aren't part of the problem..

   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #67  
If direct recycling of used fluid was such a great idea.. people would be drinking urine.. it's sterile and mostly water after all ... right?

Nope you will die if you drink yer own pizzz. Its not sterile its what you body gits rid of cuzz it kin not process it.
   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #69  
hobonc said:
If direct recycling of used fluid was such a great idea.. people would be drinking urine.. it's sterile and mostly water after all ... right?

Nope you will die if you drink yer own pizzz. Its not sterile its what you body gits rid of cuzz it kin not process it.

Re-read what you wrote...

There is no direct 'tube' connection from your mouth to your 'pee-er'. Thus whatever comes out HAS been processed.. none of it magically shows up in the bladder... your kidneys do the processing.

And.. unless ya got an infection.. my previous statement is more or less accurate...

   / 200 hrs service, Waste hydraulic fluid ?? #70  
Wiki as a reference tool? yikes! .. Oh well.. i won't beat them up .. my source for the 'japan' data comes from a talk radio show program i heard last week while driving.

Still.. even in light of that.. not a single piece of info over there contradicts what i said. That side just shows past world population percentages.. and then makes predictions for future world population.

Specifically what the radio said was that for the current year, japan birth rate was falling, and their population growth was lower than any other major nation.


rdsaustintx said:
Wrong again.

World population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When a thread actually re-hashes urine drinking, it's over folks...