Chicken Doody. We're Saved!

   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved! #11  
Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!

As I said before this is a very heated subject. The litter that is. The concept proposes a fluidized bubbly bed boiler system, operating at less than 2000ºF, which produces fewer emissions. The proposed concept also includes hydroponics. The project produces zero discharge.

Whatever the final outcome, we can expect to feel its effect on the Shore for years to come. In fact, certain impacts are already evident. For example, after reading the political "tea leaves," Perdue, Inc. is constructing a $12 million plant near Blades, Delaware to convert chicken litter into fertilizer pellets for shipment to farms off the Shore.

Will this solve a local problem or simply export it? And two companies are planning to build electric generating plants which will utilize chicken litter as a primary fuel source. One plant, rated at 40 megawatts, expects to buy 300,000 tons of chicken litter per year from local growers and to burn it along with 100,000 tons of forest waste to generate electricity sufficient to power all the homes in Dorchester County. A much smaller plant near Hurlock, Maryland is expected to generate four megawatts, half to power a related chicken processing facility and half to be sold to regional power companies. Worrisome questions of potential air pollution by stack emissions and how safely to dispose of large quantities of ash remain to be answered.
As they say in radio land, stay tuned for future developments!

There are a few links below.

Here is an article with links to just about everything.

Here is a little bit about the generator.

Here is an article the feud on it

Here is the average pile of poop at a chicken house. Some alot larger.


   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved! #12  
Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!

That crap Walmart sells is pure chit! I see dogs starving on it all the time. Walmart should get out of the pet business. They also sell this imitation "spot on liquid flea killer". It mimicks the Frontline Top Spot but doesn't have the active ingredient in it that Top Spot does (fipronil). In other words it is somemore bull chit! It contains permethrin which at best last 24 to 48 hours no matter what the package says (UV light breaks it down). By the way Walmart sold a bunch of food that was contaminated with aflotoxin (a by product of mold) that killed lots of dogs in the Southern US. When pet owners confronted them they agreed to give them a "new" bag of food. Ya right! Like I say - they ought to quit misleading people with this crap and let the pet professionals develop the food for their friends.

Dr Dan
   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved! #13  
Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!

Wal-Mart is not chicken $hit, they just have henhouse ways!!
HA HA./w3tcompact/icons/crazy.gif

   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved!
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Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!


If it works, and it probably will, this will wind up being the wave of the future, so unfortunately, we'd better get used to it. It occurs to me that, if they can do this with Chicken Doody, they can probably do it with ANY kind of doody. There's a lot of other doody out there, cow, pig, people.

What really worries me is that someday we may have to take a dump in the trunk in order to drive our cars. Then, only politicians would be able to drive very far. /w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif Sounds like a perfect woodchuck solution to nukes. Plentiful, non-radioactive fuel, zero emissions and uses waste that otherwise might "harm" the environment.

I do remember a family trip when I was a teenager where we toured down the coast a little bit. It was the only time in my life I have ever seen a chicken truck. Big flatbed with crates of birds going down the highway. Feathers were flying out the back. Never seen anything like it here, where everything moves in closed trucks.

   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved! #15  
Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!

<font color=blue>chicken truck. Big flatbed with crates of birds going down the highway. Feathers were flying out the back</font color=blue>

Wait until you see one of those trucks turned over, as happened a couple of times on freeway exit ramps in Dallas while I was on the police department./w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif

   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved!
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Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!


Must have looked like snow!

   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved! #17  
Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!

Every now and then around here one flips and it can be quite a site. But the worst trucks are the ones hauling the chicken parts to the stores. Man those guys make logging trucks in the mountians look slow. A couple of them flip a month. Then the load is trash.

If you looked through some of the links I posted you can see that there is a real problem that needs to be addressed with the chicken poop. Either by making into pellets and shipping it out west for fertlizer or burning it. Which ever is more cost effective is what will be done with it.

The dirt farmers around here have done their part over the last few years by planting buffers and giving runoff areas for fields. What this does is help control the runoff of fertilizer going into the watershed. A vast improvement from 10 years ago. Now it's time for the chicken farmers to step up to the plate.

One of the main problems with having a chicken house is that even though you make the payments on the house and land. Your still governed by the company that supplies your chicks. If you don't play by thier rules then they say go pound sand. All the time knowing that you have a huge investment in the house. So the growers are afraid to speak out against the companys. If it's found out that a company drops a grower then the other companys get leery of that person. End result that grower could end up loosing his or her farm.

The big money of growing chickens is over, 10-15 years ago was good times for the house owners. Now it seems anytime the grower starts to make money the supplier says that the grower needs to update the houses, of course at his own expense. So after many hours of work it ends up being a brake even deal. Once the houses are paid for then the person can make some money but then again it's time for upgrades. A bad cycle that the supplier controls. The house owner is the one I feel for. They get hit coming and going.

I could go on for pages on how the suppliers really rip off the growers. Shorting them feed. Feed being stolen by the feed truck drivers. Quite a few people got arrested over those deals.

Or leaving the trucks full of chickens just before the weight scales in the hot sun so the grower gets paid less. The grower gets paid by wieght and his bonus is based on that. The growers that can use the least amout of feed and get the most weight get the big bonuses Several of the major suppliers got large fines on that charge. and on and on and on.

By the way stoneheart what part of Mi do you live?


   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved!
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Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!


I've heard about the chicken farms and suppliers before. Some of the stories I've heard have just about curled my hair. The corporations definitely seem to have the upper hand. If they can figure out a viable market for the chicken doo, that would give the growers an extra buck or two. Unfortunately, the corporations will probably come up with some way to take it away from them.

Seems like a lot of farming is becoming some major corporation's bottom line. Monsanto has even been accused of dive bombing soybean fields with roundup to make sure farmers aren't saving seed from year to year. I can understand the intellectual rights thing, but who pays for any crop damage?

Keep us posted on how this turns out. Something like this is big news in Maryland, but we'll rarely if ever hear of it.

If you think of the State as a mitten, I'm just about where your ring is.

   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved! #19  
Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!

Yea what is big news in one area is never heard about in another.

No matter what business your in if you lock yourself into one buyer then they own you. Alot of people don't realize this until after a few house fulls of chicks. Then the big boys don't play fair anymore after your locked into that nice chicken house payment. Sad but true.

Reason I asked is that I lived in Bay City for a couple of years. Also I'm wearing a hat right now from a sawmill in Harrison. I know the headsaw man there.


   / Chicken Doody. We're Saved! #20  
Re: Chicken Doody. We\'re Saved!

I only feed my dogs Eukanauba large breed, but for snacks they love multiflavored Big Red dog biscuits that Agway sells. I notice one of the ingredients is poultry digest. Is that the same crap? I take care to only feed my dogs the best, and I give them these cookies because it has no artificial perservatives like BHA. Have I been giving them harmful treats?
