Dumbest chainsaw question ever....

   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #11  
It's unlikely that failing to grease the tip caused the nose sprocket to lock up. Many top quality bars come without the hole to grease that sprocket, and may bars that do have the whole are run regularly by pros who never grease that hole. The two most likely causes of a faile tip are pinching the tip of the bar (often while limbing) or running your chain tension too tight.

Oh it got hot ( cut down 37 tree stumps ) and seized up while cutting. I could see the chain dancing and leave a gap when it looked like it would jump off the bar. This was a gas and go day non stop. some were hackberry, oak and pecan stumps; diameters about 6 to 12".
Used flat tip of bar tool and ratchet for a hammer to get it to even rotate. Once free it was very stiff. Pumped it with grease until it oozed out and picked up by chain.
After that, every time I touched up the chain and give it a few licks, the tip wheel gets a squirt as well.

Some previous owner planted over 40 trees along the fence line right under the city power lines. All cleaned up now, heh been heck of a summer. 100+* the whole summer and worked it all but between hours of 2-5pm where the UV index would at times hit 13.
That chain saw got used like a rented mule.
   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #13  
The last time that I greased a tip was in 1984 when I borrowed my father's Jonsereds. If you grease do it every tankful, as the lube forms a seal which prevents the B&C oil from getting to the sprocket. The only time that I've known anybody to burn up tips prematurely is when one of the guys I worked with on powerline maintenance liked to run his chain too tight so that he wouldn't throw it cutting bushes. He would seize a bar up at least once a week.

PS; I lean toward the theory that the only dumb question is the one that you don't ask.
The exception of course is one which you already know the answer to.
   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #14  
This isn't the dumbest chainsaw question ever- that would be "I cut my leg off, should I have been wearing chaps?"

Yeah, this question is not dumb at all. I got a dumb one 25 years ago when a guy asked me to look at his saw he had a problem with. He had the chain on backwards.
   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #15  
Oh it got hot ( cut down 37 tree stumps ) and seized up while cutting. I could see the chain dancing and leave a gap when it looked like it would jump off the bar. This was a gas and go day non stop. some were hackberry, oak and pecan stumps; diameters about 6 to 12".
Used flat tip of bar tool and ratchet for a hammer to get it to even rotate. Once free it was very stiff. Pumped it with grease until it oozed out and picked up by chain.
After that, every time I touched up the chain and give it a few licks, the tip wheel gets a squirt as well.

Some previous owner planted over 40 trees along the fence line right under the city power lines. All cleaned up now, heh been heck of a summer. 100+* the whole summer and worked it all but between hours of 2-5pm where the UV index would at times hit 13.
That chain saw got used like a rented mule.
I've done the exact same thing. Now they get a squirt with every fill up.

Alot of of people I have run into think I am an idiot having done things like that and others think its OCD to be that way about maintainence.

But I made mistakes and learned. I think alot of people just cover up their mistakes and chastise those who dont.
   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #16  
If you can't find what you want you can make a scabbard any size you want out of plywood or the like. Some use High Density Polypropelyne. Here is an example of a plywood one I made.



Now I need to make a couple of those plywood scabbards for my Kubota.
   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #17  
The rule on tip greasing is grease it every time you use the saw or don't grease it at all. the occasional grease will do more harm than good. And like said previously the top quality bars don't have the grease hole any more, mainly because people didn't grease than correctly.
   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #18  
Yeah, this question is not dumb at all. I got a dumb one 25 years ago when a guy asked me to look at his saw he had a problem with. He had the chain on backwards.
That's not completely unheard of either, although most of us figure it out when the saw bounces off the first tree you try to cut.
It's also a mistake which you don't repeat twice.
   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #19  
The rule on tip greasing is grease it every time you use the saw or don't grease it at all. the occasional grease will do more harm than good. And like said previously the top quality bars don't have the grease hole any more, mainly because people didn't grease than correctly.

It surprised me when I bought a new bar and it didn't have a grease hole. I never had trouble with mine. But I tend to saw until I run out of gas so then it was always fill the gas, fill the bar oil, grease the tip.

Doug in SW IA
   / Dumbest chainsaw question ever.... #20  
That's not completely unheard of either, although most of us figure it out when the saw bounces off the first tree you try to cut.
It's also a mistake which you don't repeat twice.

He actually made a couple of nasty looking softwood cuts with it.