Farewell to Tetter Dog

   / Farewell to Tetter Dog #21  
My condolences Pete. I know how hard it can be to lose a great dog. We sure do become attached to them. God Bless.

   / Farewell to Tetter Dog #22  
My sympathies.......

Jee, that picture tore me up. I know the pain, we keep labs. I lost Jesse to lymphoma 1 year ago. He was a Field Trail Champion and the best one I've ever had the pleasure of sharing my home. He was less than 7 years old. I still feel cheated I didn't get more time with him and he is well memorialized.

Stay strong and never forget!
   / Farewell to Tetter Dog #23  
Gees, I did not read any of the previous thread you had up. I extend my sincere condolences. I have five kids and I never confuse the love of a human with the love of a pet. However, I have always had a dog. Each time I've lost one, I have been so crushed by their death that I promise myself to never get another so I don't have to go through the inevitable again. Then I get to thinking how much I'd miss the faithful companionship, and I have always gotten another dog (not a replacement - none of my dear buddies could be replaced).

I have no idea if you plan to get another dog, and it's none of my business, but I've personally found that after whatever morning period has felt right, a new companion has really helped me cope with the loss. I'm sure other people are different, but that has helped me. It took me nearly a year to get over the loss of my last dog before I got Dargo. I'll never forget my past companions, but I have obviously grown just as close to my relatively new buddy.

I know nobody's condolences or stories will help your position, I just wanted to express my sympathy and explain that, in my own way, I know what you are going through. Take care.
   / Farewell to Tetter Dog #24  
Words at this point don't seem to even come close to expressing what the wife and I are feeling for you and your family over this loss. We have been there and fully understand the hurt and loss within you right now. We'll keep you in our prayers.
   / Farewell to Tetter Dog #25  
Sorry for your loss, I can relate and I am going to have to do the same very soon. I have two Golden's one is three, the other is 15, thats right he is 15. Jake is the Best dog I could ever ask for but he is getting weak. Today I was down cutting firewood and old Jake came all the way down in the woods about 150 yards from the house all down hill. He got down where I was working and fell down and could not get up in a downed tree top. I got him out of there and he could not walk back up the hill. He is so smart, I pulled up to him in my skid loader and he walked into the bucket and laid down. I carried him back up to the house and he got out, took a long drink then a long nap.
   / Farewell to Tetter Dog
  • Thread Starter
Ah, Mike, been there! Old gold is the best, isn't it? Our old alpha *****, Mercedes, was a month shy of 16 when she slipped away several years ago. Tuppence, now 4, was just a baby then, and Mercedes took it upon herself to watch over the youngster and keep her out of trouble. She did a great job, and when the job was over she had a massive stroke that paralyzed one side of her body. She looked at us as if to say "It's time."

My Molson is 13 1/2 now and will be going soon. I'll grieve, but that grief will be tempered by the knowledge he had a great long life with us. Tetters, or any young dog that passes unexpectedly, well -- let's just say we take that much harder.

Thanks for your kind words. Pete
   / Farewell to Tetter Dog #27  
Its tough to lose a pet...especially one that has lived for so long. I lost a German Shepherd that was almost 3 years old and it bothered me worse than some of my dogs I had for 10 years. Growing up on a farm I lost lots of pets.When I was a child I had 2 pigs I had raised and one was very tame..tame as a pet,I was not too happy when he was butchered...I did not cry any,but I still remember going to the garage that evening and seeing his head lay there with a bullet hole between the eyes.
I had a nice Irish Setter mix dog when I was 20 years old and a dirt bag neighbor poisoned him. I came home from work one evening and the dog was blind as a bat walking into things..his eyes were solid white,I had to ask my neighbor to take him down in the woods and put him down. I have had lots of dogs and gotten attatched to them but they all die sooner or later. Sad to say but thats life.
Time will heal .....
   / Farewell to Tetter Dog #28  

Big sigh. It sucketh. Sounds just like Chase's situation.

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It hurts but the pain dulls over time. Other dogs help but The One is gone. I do believe dogs give a bit of their soul to their two legged friends. But they take a bit of us as well.

Way to close to Chase. Even the operation part....

   / Farewell to Tetter Dog #29  
Hi Pete,

I was in your shoes several years ago with my Norwegian Elkhound. Someone gave me the following at that time, and I just came across it again and thought you might like to read it. I know it put a smile on my face when I really needed one. Time will heal the sorrow, but it seems to go so slowly.

If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.

Let others know when they've invaded your territory.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and
pout...run right back and make friends. !

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.

Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

When you meet someone new, or even an old acquaintance, run up to them and sniff their butt!!