Global Warming?

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   / Global Warming? #3,091  
I find it very interesting that the climate change believers, in this thread, can barely understand the opposition posts... Yet we are to believe that they have expertly reviewed all of the facts and figures in the climate change debate.

Mad you give them more credit than I do. I have yet to read anything that indicates "they" can read or write English. Either that or "they" ignore inconvenient questions.
   / Global Warming? #3,092  
Never seen the Gore movie but read enough Feynman including the original you never read to know you misquoted him badly. I notice you've stopped using the expert quote since having that pointed out. BWAAHAAHAA. (Cat sent me his joy juice recipe).

All you "al gorians" are so lame....and no I did not misquote one of the greatest scientists of our time...I personally heard him say "science is the belief in the ignorance of experts" in a lecture he gave on the topic of science in are clueless and your animosity towards anyone that you disagree with seems deeply rooted in your own ignorance on the topic...regardless of of your blather ridden pontifications on the subject....

BTW...the ONLY thing you have "pointed out" is your inability to accept things you disagree with...DUH!
...the original you never read...
...boy! does this ever prove you're not only ignorant you're a speculating goof!
   / Global Warming? #3,093  
All you "al gorians" are so lame....and no I did not misquote one of the greatest scientists of our time...I personally heard him say "science is the belief in the ignorance of experts" in a lecture he gave on the topic of science in are clueless and your animosity towards anyone that you disagree with seems deeply rooted in your own ignorance on the topic...regardless of of your blather ridden pontifications on the subject....

BTW...the ONLY thing you have "pointed out" is your inability to accept things you disagree with...DUH!
...boy! does this ever prove you're not only ignorant you're a speculating goof!

Whoa! What about his teeth?
   / Global Warming? #3,094  
Mad you give them more credit than I do. I have yet to read anything that indicates "they" can read or write English. Either that or "they" ignore inconvenient questions.

I translated your response to French here:

Mad-vous de leur donner plus de crédit que je fais. Je n'ai pas encore lu
quoi que ce soit qui indique «ils» peuvent lire ou écrire l'anglais. Soit ça,
soit "ils" ignorer les questions qui dérangent.

And German here:

Mad man ihnen mehr Kredit als ich. Ich habe noch nichts, der angibt,
"sie" lesen oder schreiben kann Deutsch lesen. Entweder das, oder "sie"
zu ignorieren unbequeme Fragen.

So I reckon that disproves your statement that because someone believes in Climate Change they are illiterate and unable to read, understand and comprehend english. Climate Change is something I personally do not have to worry about. At my age I will be gone before the old earth is to adversely affected. I do not have any children so, no grandchildren to worry about. About all my close relatives have died, so no family tree problem. Young people of today with small children and a living family tree are the ones that needs to take a close hard look at what we, the human race have done to this rock we live on.

I like the majority of people who believe in Climate Change would just love to be here and hear the "Deniers" when they start their usual wailing, "But No One Told Me", or "But No One Explained Climate Change so I could Understand What They Were Saying".
   / Global Warming? #3,095  
I translated your response to French here:

Mad-vous de leur donner plus de cr馘it que je fais. Je n'ai pas encore lu
quoi que ce soit qui indique ォilsサ peuvent lire ou 馗rire l'anglais. Soit 軋,
soit "ils" ignorer les questions qui d駻angent.

And German here:

Mad man ihnen mehr Kredit als ich. Ich habe noch nichts, der angibt,
"sie" lesen oder schreiben kann Deutsch lesen. Entweder das, oder "sie"
zu ignorieren unbequeme Fragen.

So I reckon that disproves your statement that because someone believes in Climate Change they are illiterate and unable to read, understand and comprehend english. Climate Change is something I personally do not have to worry about. At my age I will be gone before the old earth is to adversely affected. I do not have any children so, no grandchildren to worry about. About all my close relatives have died, so no family tree problem. Young people of today with small children and a living family tree are the ones that needs to take a close hard look at what we, the human race have done to this rock we live on.

I like the majority of people who believe in Climate Change would just love to be here and hear the "Deniers" when they start their usual wailing, "But No One Told Me", or "But No One Explained Climate Change so I could Understand What They Were Saying".

Do you actually believe that anyone even minutely cognizant of the weather "denies" that we are experiencing some climate/seasonal changes?...and for the record...nobody is "wailing" more about said changes than those that think humans are ultimately responsible for something that has been occurring naturally as long as the earth (rock) has existed.

and by the way...just who has accused the al gorians of being illiterate? misguided, gullible and ovine as they are does not make them illiterate...some are even intelligent enough to learn to use internet (language translation) applications.
   / Global Warming? #3,096  
While I have no dog in the hunt, as to whether any of you can communicate in one language or another, translating is as easy as clicking any one of hundreds of free online translators, so that's probably not an indicator of language skill so much as internet knowledge.

And climatologists indeed did jump on the age cometh, bandwagon in the seventies.
   / Global Warming? #3,098  
Man does it again!
Animals are already dissolving in Southern Ocean acid - environment - 25 November 2012 - New Scientist

Animals are already dissolving in Southern Ocean acid

18:00 25 November 2012 by Michael Marshall
For similar stories, visit the Climate Change Topic Guide

In a small patch of the Southern Ocean, the shells of sea snails are dissolving. The finding is the first evidence that marine life is already suffering as a result of man-made ocean acidification.

"This is actually happening now," says Geraint Tarling of the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, UK. He and colleagues captured free-swimming sea snails called pteropods from the Southern Ocean in early 2008 and found under an electron microscope that the outer layers of their hard shells bore signs of unusual corrosion.

As well as warming the planet, the carbon dioxide we emit is changing the chemistry of the ocean. CO2 dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, making the water less alkaline. The pH is currently dropping at about 0.1 per century, faster than any time in the last 300 million years.

Lab experiments have shown that organisms with hard shells, such as corals and molluscs, will suffer as a result. To build their shells, corals and molluscs need to take up calcium carbonate from the water, but more carbonic acid means more hydrogen ions in the water. These react with carbonate ions, making them unavailable to form calcium carbonate.
Aragonite shortage

The most vulnerable animals are those, like pteropods, that build their shells entirely from aragonite, a form of calcium carbonate that is very sensitive to extra acidity. By 2050, there will be a severe shortage of aragonite in much of the ocean.

Aragonite is still relatively plentiful in most of the ocean, but Tarling suspected that some regions might already be affected by shortages.

He visited the Southern Ocean near South Georgia where deep water wells up to the surface. This water is naturally low in aragonite, meaning the surface waters it supplies are naturally somewhat low in the mineral although not so much so that it would normally be a problem. Add in the effect of ocean acidification, however, and Tarling found that the mineral was dangerously sparse at the surface.

"It's of concern that they can see it today," says Toby Tyrrell of the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, UK.

Aragonite-depleted regions are still rare, but they will become widespread by 2050, says Tarling. The polar oceans will change fastest, with the tropics following a few decades after. "These pockets will start to get larger and larger until they meet," he says.

Tyrrell says the Arctic will become undersaturated with respect to aragonite before the Antarctic. Patches of undersaturation have already been seen, for instance off the north coast of Canada in 2008.

The only way to stop ocean acidification is to reduce our CO2 emissions, Tyrrell says. It has been suggested that we could add megatonnes of lime to the ocean to balance the extra acidity. However, Tyrrell says this is "probably not practical" because the amounts involved and thus the costs are enormous.

Journal reference: Nature Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1635
   / Global Warming? #3,099  
I guess it is a waste of time and money for countries to send representatives to the Climate Change meeting starting Monday, November 26th, 2012 in Qatar. Since we already have information on good authority that there is no such thing as Climate Change.

The World Bank recently released a report that stated the World is on a 6.2 degree, (F) of warming. If true this would entail extreme heat waves in some locales, a declining global food supply, loss of ecosystems and life threatening sea level rises.

I recognize the World Bank is not as an authoritarian information source as Glenn Beck and “The Blaze” but it does occasionally get things right.
(I wonder if all the water pushed into NY and NJ by “Sandy” causing 29 billion dollars’ worth of damage was just the figment of their imagination or something dreamed up by Al Gore ?)

The “Great Book” does not address the fact heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide has jumped 20 percent since 2000 so it therefore is not true.

Like I have said many times, I could care less about Climate Change. I accept the fact it is occurring and recognize future generations will be impacted severely. We were warned by some economist of the economic collapse before it occurred in 2008. Did we listen? No we denied it was going to occur. Remember the crying, gnashing of teeth, and pleas for financial help that occurred in 2008 and is still occurring today?

For the short term the nation’s food supplies will decrease and become more costly. Some of this has already arrived at the local grocery store. The severe draught in the Mid-Western States in 2012 will not fully impact pocket books at the grocery store until early or late spring of 2013. For the long term the negative impact of Climate Change on me is non-existent.
   / Global Warming? #3,100  
Animals are already dissolving in Southern Ocean acid
So be it.
Watch video again, can't explain any simpler then he does. He will answer all of your concerns and in reality he is just as right as you are. In fact he makes more sense then you guys.
George Carlin on Global Warming - YouTube

This statement says it all.

The only way to stop ocean acidification is to reduce our CO2 emissions, Tyrrell says. It has been suggested that we could add megatonnes of lime to the ocean to balance the extra acidity. However, Tyrrell says this is "probably not practical" because the amounts involved and thus the costs are enormous.

BE REAL I wonder do they even listen to themselves
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