How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ?

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   / How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ? #1  

Grumpy Old Man

Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2012
Tennessee foothills
John Deere and Case
After watching all the news stories about the people affected by the Sandy storm and the problems they are enduring ,How self sufficient are you and could you take care of your family and yourself in the event you had no power / water/ or communications with the outside world ?:confused3:
   / How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ? #4  
"I just keep waiting for someone with a megaphone and a car to just tell us what to do," said a Long Island resident.

2.5M Without Power as Cold Snap Looms - Superstorm Sandy recovery still patchy in NY, NJ

See, that is the problem in this country...we have moved away from self sufficiency....betcha..that was the plan...make the vast majority of the peeps dependent on the govt....wanna bet...

Not at our house...we will survive and prosper...hope we don't have to but skills are still there...alive and well..many others like us as well...OP had a good point and question...should make people think ...what would you do...?
   / How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ? #5  
After watching all the news stories about the people affected by the Sandy storm and the problems they are enduring ,How self sufficient are you and could you take care of your family and yourself in the event you had no power / water/ or communications with the outside world ?:confused3:

lets disect that.

I have fuel on hand, and can make power. with power, I can have radio communication over a large portion of the globe.. depending on atmospheric conditions and skip. certaintly anywhere in conus.

i have the ability and determination, and intention to defend myself, friends and family, if pushed to.

I have sufficient food/water stores to last thru a small debacle.

if the main 'event' doesn't get me .. I plan on making it.. ;)
   / How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ? #6  
Well, practically speaking, when the Welfare Society elements show up to 'share' your stuff, you can always barbeque them, feed their bones to the dogs, and make some jerky with the rest. Might even be able to drain off the fat and make bio-diesel out of them.:laughing:
   / How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ?
  • Thread Starter
Now I have to admit the crowd in here would probably as a general rule not have a hard time with this ,BUT you all own tractors for a reason and so do I ! Yet as a whole the population has become pretty reliant on some type of fuel/food/housing/health/ assistance and they are showing it everyday in the news and I see it getting worse everyday ! teach your family how to survive at least the basics you never know when a self sufficient education may save you or them, As I write this the people in New Jersey are protesting on the news wanting help instead of taking care of themselves !
   / How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ? #8  
When we had the ice storm in 98, it was rediculous how helpless MOST people were.
   / How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ? #9  
We are sitting pretty good Ive been a prepper since way before prepping was cool having lived in the country most of my life.

I cant say I would be in very good shape if all my crap was under water but beyond that scenario I can generate my own power and all my water is in wells. I would have prepped different had a hurricane been on my priority list as a disaster to prep for. As is wind is our enemy where I live and I am sitting good with several underground shelters at my disposal.

I have bulk fuel and better than 6 months of mre's and canned foods for 2 etc so barring a situation where all my crap gets blown away in a tornado we will survive.
   / How self sufficient are you ? Honestly ? #10  
Now I have to admit the crowd in here would probably as a general rule not have a hard time with this ,BUT you all own tractors for a reason and so do I ! Yet as a whole the population has become pretty reliant on some type of fuel/food/housing/health/ assistance and they are showing it everyday in the news and I see it getting worse everyday ! teach your family how to survive at least the basics you never know when a self sufficient education may save you or them, As I write this the people in New Jersey are protesting on the news wanting help instead of taking care of themselves !

You are absolutely right Grumpy.....So what could the NJ or NY residents do to survive....Well...if they knew how they could use the materials being piled up on the streets to build a campfire in their back yard ..they could use the torn out lumber to build an outhouse in the back yard...and construct a lean to or live in their house despite the notices on their door forbidding it...then forage and hunt or walk for food...I mean it beats sitting and waiting for some bureaucrat who is living 9in the Ritz Carlton to come help them..They could also pack up and leave ..move on and deal with their insurance company from their new location where they moved their family to....I mean, no way I would still be there under those circumstances...I mean , it is only a house...I would have move my family out and to another state if I had to and just started over...and dealt with insurance, fema , the govt. whoever to recover what I could is unbelievable the way those folks seem trapped in the situation and don't have to be....
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